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Old 01-02-2011, 11:52 PM
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Secret Lovers[AღE]#28:"No matter how much storm and strife they go through,they really are meant for each other.” -Ian

{secret lovers}

w e l c o m e_t o_t h e
a p p r e c i a t i o n_t h r e a d


“I know it's not just me.
You feel that this is right for us, too.

Their story begins when Aria Montgomery meets Ezra Fitz.
They were two perfect strangers meeting at a bar. They instantly
have a
connection and begin their love affair. The following day, on
her first day back at school, Aria realises the perfect stranger she met
at the bar was her new English teacher, Mr. Fitz. Although, through the
next episodes, Aria and Ezra’s
relationship is constantly tested;
Ezra rejects Aria's advances, Aria attempts to transfer out of Ezra's class -
but in the end,
the two reconcile, both at Ali's funeral, and in Ezra's car.
Their future seems uncertain at times because of the sneaking around,
but we hope the
romance will continue on for these two.

Aria Montgomery, the artsy chameleon
who is interested in English — and her
English teacher, Ezra Fitz. After living
overseas for a year with her family,
being in Rosewood brings back a lot
of memories for Aria – some good,
some not good at all.

Ezra Fitz, Rosewood High's new
English teacher is every girl's fantasy.
He's cute, young – and totally off-limits.
Ezra knows better than to get involved
with one of his students but the heart
wants what it wants. Question is does
Ezra have the strength to keep his
desires in check? On the outside he's
the picture of the very proper teacher
– but on the inside there lies a
passion that could be his downfall.

“I'd like to know more about you.
“I'd like to know more about you, too.

{01} Shadowhunter (Ann)
{02} FrenchGirl90210 (Carla)
{03} Gingey123 (Gingey)
{04} Whitney86 (Whitney)
{05} OldHollywoodStarlet (Tara)
{06} NBalways (Sara)
{07} Jaime Bee (Jaime)
{08} lisagslack14 (Lisa)
{09} memory91
{10} d3wberry
{11} Leneoth (Lene)
{12} covington
{13} crazycait714 (Caitlin)
{14} LittleGreyStargate (Haylie)
{15} gingey123 (Gingey)
{16} infallible love (Amber)
{18} Rickylious (Marah)
{19} WalaBridget
{20} xmidnightx
{21} RickyandChucklover1
{22} Chrissalaugha (Chrissy)
{23} soapfan101 (Stacy)
{24} DefineDelicate (Tiff)
{25} Alexa
{26} Laurababora
{27} naturellebella (Kem)
{28} Whats_Left_Of_Me (Sarah)
{29} toxicgurl169 (Ashley)
{30} KIT (Stef)
{31} vivalalove
{32} DUHsoTK (Teresa)
{33} AmandaB
{34} Sweetgirl465
{35} ale-la-pazza1
{36} SarMil23
{37} Queen of Babble
{38} Heddan
{39} misguidedღangel
{40} Guinevere
{41} watchingmewatchingyou
{42} autumn_hope
{43} kasiilula
{44} beautifuldisaster09
{45} maybe-me
{46} -Beautiful Disaster-
{47} that's a bingo
{48} kpassion04
{49} martha(brucas&jeyton)
{50} InIrelandItRainsXx
{51} *MaryMgo*
{52} LoisLane1986
{53} .: DoDs:.
{54} donnaanddavidx3
{55} xlennie
{56} hollowmeadow
{57} red wine stains
{58} rosysummy
{59} bscgirl99
{60} Zefiro
{61} Adie010
{62} Dreamer...
{63} upchitzcreek
{64} 2unique1
{65} anna0000
{66} danielle002
{67} Mandasmal
{68} ShineSoBright23
{69} coutureadore
{70} Jennateluvr87
{71} aliaskate18
{72} linfreakable
{73} nanou31
{74} howieboo
{75} XxHayXx0
{76} ♥ Kelly ♥
{77} fall like stars
{78} oth_naley23
{79) tatablp
{80} murphyboy11
{81} Babss
{82} feels|like|home
{83} MelanieErdelyi
{84} Pauline<3
{85} foreva_99
{86} -CrazyBeautiful-
{87} alexis bledel the best
{88} whattarush
{89} Butterflygirl
{90} slowly fading
{91} Jena_Humprhey
{92} kellie101
{93} greeneyeswe3tie
{94} bbertocchi
{95}Hermione Granger
{96} carleymarie
{97} Bright Lights
{98} JamieScott
{99} Betterdays2come
{100} Emღ
{101} smile4me06
{102} putinthespark
{130} genie.x
{138} nileyfan1(Leah)
{140}Nerdy Angel(Mel)
{141}Love is a Melody
{148}solitary gun
{153} Pan
{154}Queen J & The Dark Prince(Pia)
{155}silver reflection
{168}silver reflection
{171}Jena Humprhey

{Either reply on the thread to be added or PM the person, who started the thread.}

“You laugh in your sleep?”
“That's cute.

Because Lost and Insecure, you found me.
Because we love their chemistry.
Because we love they way they stare at each other.
Because we love how they have things in common.
Because we love their mind-blowing kisses.
Because we love their conversations and can’t wait for more.
Because we love their meetings in the classroom and his apartment and can’t wait for more.
Because they light up around eachother.
Because he cooked her dinner.
Because their chemistry keeps us on edge.
Because Aria, so loves apartment 3B.
Because they have a special understanding.
Because he wanted her to stay longer.
Because he wanted to know if she was all right.
Because he thought she had good taste in music.
Because he was impressed.
Because he wanted to read something of hers.
Because they'd like to know more about each other.
Because he thinks she's amazing.
Because she's still that girl.
Because she knows that it feels right.
Because he's not sure whether he feels worse about having to stay away from her or being a jerk about it.
Because he's sorry.
Because she'd never want to do anything that could get him in trouble.
Because he didn't want her to transfer out of his class.
Because she can't keep her feelings in check.
Because she can't pretend she doesn't know him.
Because they love the same movie.
Because even Ella thinks he's cute.
Because he got her out of the rain.
Because she wasn't there to ask about the homework assignment.
Because she didn't know where else to go.
Because he wanted to know if she was o.k.
Because she wanted to "just be here for a minute".
Because he wanted to cook for her.
Because 7 is good.
Because he wanted to know if she liked his apartment.
Because he wanted to know how things were at home.
Because he doesn't see her as a child.
Because he doesn't think that she made a mistake coming to his apartment.
Because he wanted to protect her.
Because he is sorry for what happened in class.
Because he wanted her to stay.
Because "you could stay".
Because he's been thinking about her.
Because she wanted him to give her an excuse not to go home . . . for six hours.
Because she wanted to hear him read his story.
Because she cheered for him after he read his story.
Because she thought his story was beautiful.
Because age is never an issue when they're together.
Because it feels right when they're together.
Because when he's with her he doesn't care about anybody else.
Because he wants to be with her.
Because he likes having her [at his apartment].
Because he asks her if she really has to go.
Because she wants to cook for him.
Because fate wanted them to work the beanbag booth together.
Because she liked his new haircut.
Because he couldn't believe that someone would want to mess with her.
Because she wanted to tell him about "A."
Because it hurt him to see her dancing with someone else.
Because he could never hate her.
Because his new haircut was to impress her.
Because she knew where he kept his spare key.
Because he gave her a book.
Because she was reading the book he gave her
Because he thought about her every second.
Because she can't stop thinking about him.
Because she thinks they are special.
Because they will always find their way back to eachother.
Because we’re happy that the their relationships isn’t over
Because Mr. and Mrs. Chemistry are finally back on our screen
Lucy Hale: "Ian Harding is Precious!"
Because he can't stand seeing her with other boys.
"Things gets steamy, real steamy" - Ian Harding
"There are genuine feelings... I'm really hoping they can just stick it out" - Lucy
"Coming from how I'm going to play the character...there are genuine feelings" - Lucy
because he is very grateful to have her . . . in his class
because she spent days thinking about him
because Ella said that Aria talks so highly about him
because she is very "engaged"
because Ella is glad that Aria has him in her life right now
Because Lucy Hale is team Ezra
"No matter how much storm and strife they go through, I think they really are meant for each other.” -Ian
“I think they should choose each other because there's something once in a lifetime about their relationship." - Ian

“Forget about theory. What does it feel like when we're together?

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Credit: Adie

To be continued…

Archie Andrews &Veronica Lodge

Last edited by Rickylious; 01-13-2011 at 11:28 PM
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