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Old 11-25-2010, 06:45 PM
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Joined: May 2010
Posts: 35
Going back to a previous discussion.

In my point of view, Santana has a pure love over Brit and it continues existing because of her deceptions w/ the boys. I'm not saying she likes Brit. because she suffered in her relationships w/ boys, but as a consequence of her suffering she got able to see she can trust Brit (and she's the one to be loyal to). I think Santana realizes she's happy w/ Brit by her side and she doesn't have to push anything to just have a nice time... And when she's w/ puck, for ex., she's always having to do something to keep Puck's interested. I think, after all, Santana will realize she wants to be w/ Brit and as Naya said in a interview, she'll realize Brit is her soul mate. And not just on a friendly way or a sexual way, but a complete package.

I just hope the storyline they developed over the episodes for Brittana won't be forgotten.
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