Thread: Cover Letters?
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Old 06-24-2005, 10:51 PM
sick little jag
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See, whenever I asked my mom about how to write a cover letter she just blew me off, and no one at either of my schools career centers told me how to either so I'm just sending of resumes with a "Hey. me want job" gist to them and obvioulsy, that isn't very professional. I am glad I waited for a response to this too, because I just sent off a resume with a cover letter in response to something I'd be pumped to do and I think my cover letter was really kick ass thanks to your advice. I'm excited. Hopefully they respond, because this job is pretty much the exact same job I had before I moved (driving around a delivering magazines around the city), except it seems like it's got a regular salary instead of like x amount of dollars for x amount of stops on my route.
If looks could really kill, then my profession would be staring / know we do this cause we care
and not for the thrill ....
Samantha #121
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