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Old 11-09-2010, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by lancer1993 (View Post)
ETA - Hannah I think you're over thinking it a little too much
Nah, she's not

Connie has on the same outfit she wore that night on Chelsea Lately so I'm assuming she came straight from the taping and is wearing the same shoes which have very high heels with a big platform.

Lauren is wearing heels but they aren't skyscrapers and they don't have as big a platform as Connie's. Also, I think Hannah is right about Lauren's stance - I would hazard a guess that she is doing that thing she often does where she crosses her legs (like in the full length individual pics we have of her here) and so she looks slightly shorter. She is a lanky gal! I'm the same height and when I met her I had ballet flats and she had skyscraper heels! I felt like a midget for the first time in years!
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