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Old 11-07-2010, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by EClare_x3 (View Post)
So the scene with Jenna and Sav in a car when she goes into labor? I think that's going to be the either the last scene or close to the last scene in Halo part 2. And remember how we thought it kinda looked like they were in Morty? Now that we know for sure Eli's at the party wherever they're at, I'm going to guess that Jenna and Sav really are in the back of Morty.

lol. If Jenna goes into the labor in the back of a hearse, I'll lmao! That will certainly be something for to tell the grandchildren. And I don't just mean for Jenna to tell her's when she's older(alot older), but also one for EClare to tell their children and grandchildren. And for Sav to tell his kids.
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