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Old 11-02-2010, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by DiagonalZipper (View Post)
I can't really remember Night (read it 6-7 years ago for school) but I remember reading Maus around the same time, and that was definitely a powerful graphic novel

Otherwise, I stick to fiction, and that's mostly fantasy.

Stephenie Meyer would have to pay me to read Breaking Dawn! And a large sum at that
Same here as far as Night - I read it for high school but really don't remember it very well

She'd have to pay you and me both Angel, I'm with you - when I read it, it really ruined the rest for me and I don't really have much interest in re-reading them.

I just finished a book called Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin - it's really imaginative. It's about a faerie realm that is in danger of extinction and their future depends on this specific girl - it's not an epic adventure or anything like that, but like I said, it's imaginative and an enjoyable enough read (although definitely not ground breaking and at times a little heavy handed)
"Of course, it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it's not real?" - Professor Dumbledore

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