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Old 10-28-2010, 04:05 PM
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Yeah, It was obvious.

Anyway i was talking to this one tweeter the other day. Huge Jackie/Hyde fan. She was getting in an argument with someone on a youtube video comments section when that person claimed Jackie/Hyde always despised each other before they started dating.

Basically i then went into an explanation to this jackie/Hyde fan why the person she is arguing with is full of crap. You can point to moments in the first four seasons how much they really do care about each other. Even if it's just as friends in the first four seasons.

S1. They go to the prom. She gives him a kiss on the cheek. They call each other beautiful.

S2. Hyde Teachers Jackie Zen. Goes with her to the mall and to sizzler after she finds out about kelso and Laurie. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and tell him it was really special. He claims the weed is his.

S3. Jackie is obsessed with Hyde for the first handful of episodes. They go on a date. They share there first kiss. Jackie says it was Hot.

S4. Not a lot of J/H interaction this season but there are moments. Jackie taking the time to help set up for Hyde's birthday. Jackie kisses him on the cheek when she wishes him a happy birthday.

Of course we all know stuff about S5-S7 that show they care and love each other.

I mean in S5 it doesnt help that the writers and creators made Eric, Donna, Fez proclaim Jackie & Hyde always hated each other. That may be why some of those ignorant fans claim Jackie/Hyde always despised each other. Truth is, As i mentioned above, Facts claim otherwise.

Last edited by slicknickshady; 10-28-2010 at 05:19 PM
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