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Old 06-19-2005, 05:28 PM
Loyal Fan
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I'll always say that if Cho really was the hysterical and stupid girl that people say she is, Cedric would have never dated her for 1 year. Cedric was super intelligent (he was chosen by the goblet out of the whole Hogwarts!) and he would have never (I think) stayed with someone stupid
I agree and do they know that Cho is a Ravenclaw which means that she is very intelligent... I hate when people call her dumb... she may be emotionally immature but certainly not stupid... I was thinking about how Harry and Cho are really simliar but now I think they're different in some ways.. Although sometimes I believe that Cho is really cool, I think she can be very obedient and servile to her friends as shown with Marietta. Marietta was clearly the wrongdoer but Cho chose to turn a blind eye... As for scenes in OOTP, I am looking forward to the end scene where Harry and Ron are playing chess and he sees her and all the fight scenes especially when he tells Cho that Marietta didn't just betray the DA but her... Hehe... Sexual tension

about the ships, I think harry will end up alone.. I mean I don't think he'll have any relationship in books 6 and 7, I just can't imagine it, with all he's suffering.. in my mind, harry appears depressed and fighting evil while people around him are the ones having relationships and an actual life... but that's just me
I actually think he will... I'm not sure if it's a good thing... I mean I never really got into HP ships until my sister was crazy about H/Hr... Jo says that Harry might get two kisses... I'm thinking one of them is from X (Harry's new gf) and the other is maybe from Cho but it's probably for closure. I really hope Cho plays a role in HBP

I saw the preview for that movie last night and simply cannot wait to see it!
I think Colin Farrell and Ms. Kilcher will have incredible chemistry... She's so pretty and I love movies that deal with Native American History... So I am also very excited!!! Hehe ... I think it's coming out around the same time as GOF...

hehe thanks!
For me in GOF, I know they probably won't include this but I really love the water sploshing scene at the beginning of the world cup and when Harry accidently shouts at her when she gives him his quill back. I think I'm actually going to enjoy the small brief scenes between them when they show the attraction. Course shouldnt forget the yule ball!

In OOTP - I'm definitely wanting the kiss and when Harry's watching Cho doing the pillow thing and her telling him that he's making her nervous!
I AM DEFINTELY looking forward to the scene where Harry drops his quill and she picks it up for him... Hehe I wonder if there will be a close-up shot of their hands touching... And all the angsty and jealous looks Harry gives will be nice to see...
In OOTP, I think the glances btw Cho and Harry at the DA meetings will be very cute... I wonder how Yates will direct Cho's crying scenes...Personally, I think it won't be too overdone...well--at least I hope not!
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