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Old 10-08-2010, 08:45 PM
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I really enjoyed this episode a lot more than I thought I would! The A-plot was strong through both parts and the B-plot was better in the second half of the episode, I think. I'm also relieved to see a return to the two-plot formula. The pacing felt a lot more even to me and there was no time wasted on a C-plot for comedy relief (which they usually were).

I felt so bad for Alli... I've always had a soft spot for her no matter what she's done. I was pretty anxious throughout the episode because I wondered if the writers forgot that Sav and Alli are siblings, so I was very happy to see them have a couple bonding moments there. I loved Alli's revelation that Drew was to blame as much as Bianca and he didn't deserve her. I also liked the ending with Alli and Clare, although it did feel a little out of place considering their friendship had been neglected for most of the first 24 episodes. But it made sense given their history and I thought it was a really touching scene between them.

I can't really comment on the Alli/Bianca catfight; those have always been among my least favorite scenes and this was no exception. I'm not sure what I think about the self-esteem class and how only girls were required to go, mainly because it seems a bit strange to me that the school could be so blatantly sexist without any reason. I could see them wanting to have separate classes for the male and female students, but to have the boys do nothing at all? Why would Snake be okay with that? Nonetheless I actually really loved what was said during the class and I liked the instructor.

I liked the Jenna plot in the second episode because I'm SO relieved that the Next Teen Star thing is over. I'm shocked and amazed that Degrassi decided to go the realistic route for once. (Well, it would have been more realistic if she had never been on the show in the first place, but...) And it seemed very natural that KC's mom would want to help Jenna out even if KC doesn't want to be involved and they're no longer dating. It was really sweet scene since Jenna doesn't have her own mother for support. (By the way, Erin, I totally agree with your points about teen pregnancy being glamorized. It's disturbing. I really hope they discuss adoption at least as an option at some point.)

Oh and lastly, my girl Chantay was AWESOME in this episode! Love her!
i only want us when
it's what you want, too
. . . . . . so, i'll wait
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