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Old 06-15-2005, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by mattia
not a micha fan, but since I have only seen her on the OC I will wait until The Decameron to fully excited for a new Hayden movie!!!

I would practically see anything he is in! even if lee lee sobieski is in it (I HATE HATE HATE her!!)

thanks for the background info, I had no idea the history behind it....

Is there a release date yet???

Yeah I know. But that's the thing everyone's acting like she's some huge celebrity who should go to the Oscars...she's on a teen soap opera and ONLY that. Wait to see how she's acts in a movie to dub her a huge celebrity. If you don't watch the OC you really don't know who she is. I hear about it from friends who love it so that's how I know who she is. and all the hype I hear and read.

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