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Old 09-21-2010, 11:18 AM
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From his blog:

Hello peeps

I have decided to stop the ask alan part of my site. It has been great for me to have contact with you, and I have enjoyed being able to answer your questions, but recently I have felt it has become a little too much to deal with. There have been a few incidents that have led me to making this decision, interestingly enough one of them being the broadcast of my Who Do You Think You Are show on the BBC last week.

That show was probably the biggest merging of my public and private lives, and I felt very exposed by it. I am so glad I did it, but the access that so many people had to me in such a vulnerable place made me realise that I perhaps feel too duty-bound to be open and maybe too available to you. I guess it just made me realise that it's ok for me to take a step back if I want to.

I got loads of response for the show via ask alan, and even though they were all very positive, I still felt that I was allowing so much more of the outside world into my life at such a vulnerable time than I needed to, or more importantly, wanted to.

So I hope you understand. It has been good, but all good things must come to an end as the Bard said.

I have also had a bit of an epiphany about doing this blog at all. My reason for starting to do it every day was to get myself to the computer, to get back into writing again and to find my voice through words once more. I feel I have done that, but lately I have felt more that it has become a duty, a bit of a chore and I have started to get anxious about something that should be joyous and an outpouring of what I am feeling.

So...I am going to blog less. Not every day. Maybe somtimes I will, but mostly just when I fancy it.

There, I've said it.
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