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Old 09-20-2010, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by fernandabrasil (View Post)
The fact that they keep throwing Chuck under the bus makes me think something more serious is very posible between DB, if it was only an ONS why is Chuck being written as such a jerk? TBH What upsets me more is not that DB is happening but what they are doing to Chuck's character only to make people root for DB. And maybe their plan is not a SDB triangle, but a CBD?
It's so ridiculous. Why is it that Dan randomly being with Blair merits treating Chuck's character like crap? Weren't 3.17 and 3.22 enough for them?

Chuck deserves to have a real story line that does something for him as a character if the writers really want to do DB in the meantime. It's not like they ever try to make Blair look bad so that Chuck can do something else. Why do they think it's cool to ruin Chuck, then?
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