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Old 06-14-2005, 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Luscious~Lips
I agree with you 200% and I'd like to add on to it:

I hope these quotes can give some backbone as to why I and Support the Brooke/Lucas coupling:

"The heart has reasons for which reason cannot know."

"Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence." -David Byrne

"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." -Robert Frost

"I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone." -Javan

"We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love." -Tom Robbins

~Bascially, I believe all these quotes can relate to BL perfectly and why I love them is the simple fact that I believe they "ACCIDENTALLY" fell for one another. I believe the greatest loves come unexpected and BL is no exception to that. I don't believe that niether one of them in the beginning even imagined that they would geniunely end up falling for one another, and it took them by surprise because they have never experienced this type of situation before, and when your naive you tend to do and say things that make sense at the time, but aren't quite the right way to handle them. Sorry for the babbling and I'll stop here, but that's bascially why I love BL...(in my humble opinion) they started off as a relationship that seemed to be out of obigation (at least on Lucas's part) and turned into a friendship destined for something more.



~To add to my babble here, I'm someone who believes in fate and I believe Brooke serves a purpose in Lucas's life and vice versa. Because they are so different and view things in a different perspective, they can teach one another to view things in a different perspective. So bascially the purpose they serve in one another's lives is they can teach each other things and provide a fresh outlook on different situations for one another. In more simpler terms, they balance each other out completely.

Loving everything you said right there and i totally agree with you about believing in fate. I believe in fate too and for it to come unexpected makes it more worthwhile and extra special.

and seriously, if you look at ever single quote lucas said this season when talking about Brooke, they are extremely deep and i dont think Luke ever talks about anyone else that way....not even his friiends...examples...

Last year i barely even know her and now i cant imagine life here without her

talking to Anna
She's a part of my history that came before you and I've been lying to myself about the way i feel about her.
and i need to see her tonight because i feel like she's slipping away

That quote right there basically kills me everytime. I think its the most powerful BL quote in season 2

Also some of Brooke's quotes...

talking to Karen.....
The only thing i really wanna see is Lucas laugh again. You know, hear him sing off key and watch him roll his eyes at me when i still french fries from his plate.
All i wanna say is that im crazy about your son and i hope thats enough

When a girl notices that much details about a means alot. No one ever said/noticed little details about Lucas like that except for maybe Haley but we all know she is his best friend so.
~Rana ~
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