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Old 09-15-2010, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by minonda (View Post)
Thanks for the welcome, ssbailey and RachaelAM!

Rachael, I'm glad to know you saw the significance of that scene. I really think Jim and Callie's relationship is very important to the writers, or they wouldn't include scenes like that.
ITA, this is the OTP of the show. It's been made very clear that Callie is the only woman for Jim and slowly vice versa for Jim for Callie. If this relationship wasn't significant then we would not get the build up we have we would have had rushed moments and the shoving of them together. But the writers believe in this pairing moreso even more because of Matt/Kiele's incredible chemistry.

"Nathan... this is what we do alright,
we're that couple
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