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Old 09-11-2010, 01:22 PM
Elite Fan

Joined: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by Kalinda Smith (View Post)
What are the shows you're watching already Kix?
Heh. That is a long list!
I watch:
Gossip Girl
Parenthood (oniine)
And Comedy Wednesday on ABC so: The Middle, Modern Family and Cougar Town (I might try that new comedy after The Middle,Better with You)
I plan to also watch 30 Rock, even though I have never watch on tv, I usaully only watch the DVD, but Iam finally all caught up.
Greys Anatomy
Desperate Housewives
Brothers and Sisters

I want to try: Raising Hope, maybe Hawaii-Five O, and No Ordinary family, maybe My Generation and The Event. Not sure though about any of these.
"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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