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Old 09-04-2010, 07:57 AM
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This thread better not turn into how it was before. Seriously, whoever made people stop posting the last time, (you know who you are) take it elsewhere.

This was expected. They'll need at least one of those incredibly serious fights. Every couple has them. They're a tv couple, so it's probably going to be worse.

I'm quite looking forward to it, actually. It'll also give YZ something to sink their teeth into.

Exactly. Some of my favorite scenes are when Chuck and Sarah are fighting.

Role Models was the weakest episode of the back six, for me, but had a couple of great scenes where they fought. I love that. It makes the characters more real... and calls back to their relationship in seasons 1 and 2.

Though, when they finally do have a big fight, it won't be pretty. But as everyone knows, the makeup sexy sexy is always hot, no matter how long you have been together.

Angst is only bad when it is dishonest. When you simply put something in the path of your romantic leads as a way to keep them apart. Angst within a relationship happens ALL THE TIME in the real world. It could happen over the darn coffee not being strong enough in the morning. It happens because people in love have insane expectations of the other person's ability to read their mind and know exactly what they want done to make them happy at all times.
Agreed also.

And tftnt.
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