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Old 09-03-2010, 12:37 PM
like a perfect storm
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Twin Flames| D ღ E | #761: S thinks she will miss the thread? Thats nothing compared to how well miss her!

Welcome to the 761st
Damon and Elena Thread

391. andrea8
392. SpuffyxDelena
393. xobrwneyedgrl93
394. sophias
395. ~♥~CrazyInLove~♥~
396. athena_
397. babygirl24009
398. JenniferH
399. strawberrykisses617
400. standingintherain
401. justlikeheaven
402. birgirl
403. dominoesrising
404. LoisLane1986
405. KIT
406. *Lori89*
407. VDS
408. Atlimbo
409. Caroline103
410. KatherineLeFay
411. Fendii
412. Edelyn
413. CamiJo
414. XxHayXx0
415. bluestar_Nater
416. Ledger m.
417. nicstrix
418. Broken~Soul
419. PrincessSerenity
420. iheartTV
421. brokenshards
422. hlgreenie
423. emilie.s2.derena
424. ღEmrys
425. tsforever
426. cass-xo
427. crashintoyou
428. DE.Chemistry.
429. Candy1
430. leytonlover3
431. CrashandBurn9
432. LokYa
433. Trust&Love
434. Nerenafan
435. Kelsey89
436. ღmaybe this time
437. Shaded Grey
438. Moonray13
439. chelsielove
440. taylorjoie
441. Broody23Cheery
442. Black_Betty

1. Ian Somerhalder
2. Nina Dobrev
3. Julie Plec
4. Eric Northman
5. Chuck and Blair
6. Angelus
7. Spike
8. Dean Winchester
9. Lucifer
10. Sue Sylvester
11. Barney Stinson
12. Dracula
13. Lestat
14. The Alphabet
15. Low Rise Jeans
16. Google
17. BuzzSugar
18. Alaric Saltzman
19. Elena's teddy-bear
20. Jeremy Gilbert
21. Pickles
22. Buttons
23. Isobel
24. Danielle Monaro from Z100
25. LA Times
26. Entertainment Weekly
27. RabidDoll
28. Windows
29. Cows
30. Umbrellas
31. The Weather
32. Boone
33. Zap2It

"Nina Dobrev is strinkingly beautiful and extraordinary talented."

"What makes you excited?"

"He makes light of every moment."

Meanwhile, you have this evil brother who, you know, claims he has no humanity left. But then there's Elena who keeps pointing to it.
~ Kevin Williamson.
... You just love every scene she's [Elena] in with Damon.
~ Kevin Williamson.
Damon has that bad-boy quality, and every girl likes a bad boy, at the end of the day.
~ Nina Dobrev.
You know, when Damon's in the presence of Elena, that is when you definitely see a change in him.
There is something so profoundly attractive to Damon about this girl, not only just because Nina Dobrev is
strikingly beautiful and extraordinarily talented, but because there's a lot of Nina in Elena and Elena is very sweet and [she's] going to be a complex character.
Something about her reminds Damon of something that was very important in his life, and that's why you see a bit of difference with him when he's around her.
~ Ian Somerhalder.
One of the things I really like about LJ Smith's books is that it took a very long time for Elena and
Damon to reach any kind of détente, any kind of true connection, with each other.
I want to make sure that we take our own sweet time with that, as well, because you have to believe it.
~ Julie Plec.
That's the fun of it. It's waiting and waiting and dissecting every little time he does something
nice thing for her, and how it makes her feel - that anticipation, that build-up.
~ Julie Plec.

Top 10 Quotes

1. "I didn't compel you in Atlanta because I wanted it to be real." ~ Damon, 1x14
2. "Because, he's in love with you." ~ Isobel, 1x21
3. "You do not come into my town threatening the people I care about. Going after Elena? Bad move.
You leave her alone or I'll rip you to bits." ~ Damon, 1x21
4. "Somewhere along the way you decided I was worth saving. And I wanted to thank you for that." ~ Damon, 1x22
5. "You and I we having something. An understanding." ~ Elena, 1x14
6. "Please don't hurt him! Don't do this. I'm begging you. Please!" ~ Elena, 1x11
7. Damon: "I like you better like this. The period look? It didn't suit you."
Elena: "Is that an insult?"
Damon: "Actually, Elena, it is a compliment. Of the highest order." ~ 1x22
8. "But you can trust me." ~ Elena, 1x21
9. "I'm trusting you. Don't make me regret it." ~ Damon, 1x14
10. "She left you. She sucks." ~ Damon, 1x15

I couldn't have agreed more with CW when they released a promo poster with Damon and Elena in it.
Its caption is "Drawn together, and not pulling away." It speaks so much of Damon and Elena.
Damon met Elena for the wrong reasons- because she was Katherine's doppelganger.
But, that did a 360-degree turn and changed completely.
They are drawn together for a lot of reasons now. What was only because of a resemblance blossomed into something that is so much more than what we all have imagined and thought of..
Without saying it, Damon and Elena need each other.
Elena herself said that they "...have a connection."
Damon brings out something fun, fresh and almost-too carefree in Elena, something we haven't seen of her with Stefan.
Meanwhile, Elena plays the complete opposite of her doppelganger and Damon's first love, Katherine.
She's kind, brave, and understanding.
She gave Damon a chance to redeem himself and find the "good spot" in him, despite saying he has "... no redeeming qualities."
That was how their relationship was built and cemented.
Despite the belief that Elena and Stefan are soulmates, I really believe that a part of her, if not the most part, goes out to Damon. They are always going to need each other at some point.
Even if all the odds are stacked against them, they are not pulling away, and will not ever pull away,like the poster said.
Whether they like it or not, gravity pulls them towards each other, as cliche as it sounds.
Their lives are always bound to intertwine and connect.
You can't just wipe off what they have in an instant. Damon and Elena have substance, especially when together.
Like what the title of the thread, they are twin flames.
I strongly believe that they will always be.
As a last note, I've said time and again that I've never shipped this hard, as far as my watching of TV shows go.
But really, shipping Damon and Elena is so worth it, even if they are not a couple ... yet.
~ Camille (broodyandcheery)

I love Damon and Elena because they aren't your typical couple.
They didn't look at each other and know right away that they meant to be together.
Damon and Elena are about the slow burn.
Their relationship is so special because they have grown so much in such a short time.
They went from almost hating each other (or at least, Elena hating Damon) to mutually respecting in each other and enjoying each others company.
Elena now views Damon as a friend, and Damon is in love with her.
The build up between the two over the course of the season was amazing to watch and makes their realationship that much more meaningful.
Nina and Ian have amazing chemistry that translates so well onscreen and their passion and intensity makes you want to root for them.
~ Alexa

There isn't anything I don't love about them.
They're perfect for eachother. He brings out her fun side, and she brings out his humanity. Can it get better than that?
They have so much potential. I really hope the writers explore it.
~ Elvira (TheSweetestSmile)

Chemistry. Passion. Fire. Kindness. Trust. Compassion. Loyalty.
Those are some of the things that usually make a pairing work.
Damon/Elena has all those things and more, without being a couple, without even really being friends -
because honestly, there's too much unresolved sexual tension and actual feelings for them to ever form a functioning friendship -
and that's what basically intrigued me from the very start.
I'll have to admit that I was all for Stefan/Elena in the pilot, but then Elena met the sexy older brother and this gorgeous ship had me with a lip-stare and a smirk.
No words necessary.
Over the next episodes, we've seen them form a tentative...whatever you want to call it.
But that's what's so amazing about them. The fact that you have no idea where they stand, one moment they hate each other, and the next would leave us drooling from their intense lip-stares and swallows, and yet, it's all so believable.
The build-up.
While we beg for them to get it over with and just get it on already, we know that a build-up is necessary.
It's the little moments that we truly appreciate, whenever he compliments her, or whenever she seems to see some of the existent good in him.
Not to mention all the lip-stares, slaps, personal space invasions, and swallows that make us endlessly squee from all the fangirling adoration.
Back to why DE is awesome, as if that didn't tell you enough.
Elena is the only one Damon ever lets inside.
She's the one that brings out the small dose of humanity that he still retains.
She has this power over him that no one else will ever have - whether he likes it or not.
We've seen how Damon can't quite hide behind his well-built mask when he's around Elena.
Without being compelled, Elena almost withdrew to Damon's advances, and that's saying something, especially since she's supposed to be devoted only to Stefan.
They can't deny that something is building between them.
Something powerful that will be unforgettable.
Their story is one for the ages, and we're having fun watching it happen before our eyes.
No matter what Elena says, don't be fooled. Damon does have one redeeming quality:
~ Gaby (qaby |♥|)

I ship DE because it’s impossible not to see the chemistry between them; even in the subtlest of glances you can tell that they “have something”.
The agonizing build up is addictive and the “forbidden love” relationship they have just makes the wait and their relationship so much more enticing.
They bring out the best and worst in each other; they push and pull each other and from the start, the passion between the two is glaringly obvious.
Even though he may cover it up with bitterness, Damon truly cares for her, and it was at that turning point in their relationship (in the books) that converted me to DE.
~ Cathryn (Cathryn93)

I didn't really ship Damon and Elena at first, but once I noticed smething between them I knew it would be impossible to stop.
Everything about them is interesting, and their interactions are on fire.
They OWN everything from eye sex to dancing, and Ian and Nina's chemistry is out of this world.
It's soo great to watch how much Damon care about Elena, and how she is starting to fall for him as well.
It is safe to say that they are one of THE best things about The Vampire Diaries.
Not only do Damon and Elena have an amazing future ahead of them, but an AMAZING and massive fan base to back them up.
~ Noelle

Damon and Elena are the most amazing couple in the history of tv shows.
Because searching for love takes time, patience, courage to take the risk but the reward is worth doing it. Because they represent a dream come true. The dream of real love and passion.
Because "My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."
Because "In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of night, you rescue me, you save my life."
Because "I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."
Because "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
Because "It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."
Because "Love is friendship set on fire."
~ Nia (niadk)

There is so many reasons why I love Damon and Elena.
I think that Damon is the only one who really gets who she is, he understands her like nobody else.
She's the only one who could make him forget about Katherine, cause we can clearly see that he is really falling for her.
For me those two ARE the show, the chemistry is truly here, and it's so great, it makes all of their scenes epic.
And this is just the start of something amazing, she bring out his humanity, and for me Damon and Elena are meant to be, they belong together, one can't go without the other!
The show wouldn't exist without them.
They bring out the best of eachother, she makes him want to be a better person.
~ Carla (FrenchGirl90210)

I don’t think I’ve ever liked a couple as much as I like Damon and Elena.
The thing that really drew me in was their chemistry. From their first scene, they had indescribable chemistry.
They don’t even have to touch or use words, just the way they look at each other sends sparks flying.
There’s so much electricity, passion, tension, and words spoken with just one look between these two.
I started shipping them in 1x03 when they were discussing Katherine in the kitchen.
When Elena told Damon she was sorry that he lost Katherine, he realized that she was not Katherine, that she was different and that she had a heart.
They shared a look that said so many things.
I was sold.
I loved watching their relationship develop throughout the season.
At first, Damon was the bad boy that seemed to have no humanity, he trusted nobody but himself.
Elena was the one to bring out the human side of him.
They built a trust and a friendship, they got to know each other.
I love that they have build up.
It makes their relationship so real and beautiful.
Whether or not Damon and Elena end up together, they’ll always have a connection that can’t be broken.
~ standingintherain
I absolutely adore the relationship we've seen so far of Damon/Elena.
The cat and mouse game has been done before but Nina and Ian give it this new fresh twist with their amazing chemistry.
I'm so excited to see what's to come between these two, because I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be amazing.
I feel like in the long run this couple is going to come down as one of the most epic couples of all time.
They are definitely worthy of the title.
TEAM Damon/Elena FTWWW!
~ Nadia (Queen Bee)
Simply put, Damon and Elena are perfect for each other.
They bring out the best in each other: Damon shows his humanity when he's with Elena and Elena has fun and enjoys life more when she's with Damon.
They take each others advice, protect each other, agree and disagree with each other,
save each other, go along with each others plans, check each other out, have fun and have fights,
tackle difficult situations, call on each other when needed, look gorgeous when they dance together and most of all,
their feelings for each other grow more and more with each passing day.
I can't wait to see the moment where Damon and Elena finally both realize how much they love each, it will take time but they are worth the wait. Damon and Elena are definitely my favorite pairing of the last year and their story is truly just beginning to take flight!
~ Kem (naturellebella)

I love Damon/Elena because she makes him feel things that no one else has ever done.
She brings out the best in him, his humanity.
And He makes her laugh and knows how to make her listen, they understand each other in a way no one else can possibly can.
What started out as revenge for him led to love, to caring....
to everything he thought he could never have again.
~ Sara (NBalways)

It's impossible to convey exactly what Damon&Elena are in simple words.
You have to watch them to really feel it, you have to take each moment and put them all together to really feel the effects of them.
They are above and beyond anything before.
I have had OTP's, but nothing compares to the craziness that Damon&Elena bring out of me.
It started with the most obvious thing: Chemistry.
It's undeniable.
Ian and Nina just have this pure, natural chemistry that makes their scenes come alive.
Their eyes meet and you can practically see the sparks.
They obliterate the others personal space and you feel the heat burning through your screen.
And the slightest touch between them makes my heart race.
They are that damn powerful.
Add to that, the story between them and the way their characters compliment each other, and you have perfection.
They truly are Twin Flames.
They are fiery, passionate and they act from their hearts.
They make mistakes but they are ultimately motivated by love.
Elena hated him.
Damon saw her as a pawn in his game.
But she affected him.
She became his humanity over the course of a slow build.
She pushed him and he responded by trying to be better.
But only for her.
Always for her.

We have watched them grow at a steady, natural pace.
And we will continue to do so.
Whatever happens between these two in the future.
They are my ultimate OTP and nothing will ever tear me away from them!
~ Nat (foxyfreds)

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“That day on the beach, I felt something special too,
but I felt more. I felt as if we were…connected somehow.
As if we were being pulled together. As if we belonged
together.” || adam conantcassie blake

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