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Old 08-12-2010, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Aubsbobs (View Post)
For some reason i don't want them to kiss at the dance that is suppose to be this crazy dramatic event....I want it the be a whole episode build up.

That episode is all about the whole first half of the season blowing up.

Edit: I mean I just don't want them to show 8 seconds of the first Eclare kiss...then on to Bianca pushing drew into the boiler downstairs and Fitz trying to beat up everyone in sight...I want it to be all about them.
You have a point there. But if EClare have a B or C plot, we'll still get that desired build up. I don't know, I guess I kind of like the concept of EClare's first kiss centered around a dramatic event. It's like while romance is brewing between them, disaster strikes somewhere else. I don't know, maybe I'm just a big ho for fictional drama? Lol. :p
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