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Old 08-09-2010, 07:26 AM
Hero of Time
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Anytime . Here's another cool article:

Undercovers' Goal? Not to be Alias
Executive producer of J.J. Abrams' new spy show admits he's never seen the Jennifer Garner series.

"The goal of the show is not to be Alias," said Undercovers EP Josh Reims at the TCA Press Tour this morning during a Q&A panel featuring himself and the cast of the new NBC spy-series Reims created with J.J. Abrams. Reims wanted to make it clear that both he and Abrams didn't want to tread on the themes of Alias. "Neither of us wanted to do Alias again for various reasons," Reims said. In fact, Abrams told Reims, "if I go too far in the confusing, mythological whatever, then stop me." In fact, Reims confessed to the ballroom of critics that he'd never even watched Alias. "Don't tell J.J." he smiled. (We happen to love Alias here at IGN, btw)

Reims said that he wanted the series to be able to whisk the audience off somewhere exotic but also be able to bring the story back home to the married life of super-spies Steven and Samantha Bloom, played by Boris Kodjoe and Gugu Mbatha-Raw. "The idea is, certainly every week, you will have a case come to a close," Reims said. As far as an overall arc-story, the series will rely on the marriage between the two covert operatives. "There will be certain secrets coming out."

More Undercovers Info

The casting of two black leads on a primetime TV series is still a notable ccurrence, but Reims wanted to share that it wasn't something they set out to do from the beginning. "We wanted it to look different," he said. "When we finished the script and went into the casting proces we said 'let's just see every possible incarnation of person.'" Reims also said that it's great to be a part of revolutionary TV, but that also it's unfortunate, that in this day and age, having two black actors as leads on a show would be considered a big deal. "Let's inspire people to regard it as normal," Reims stated. "It's not the norm, although it should be the norm," Kodjoe said.

What's it like for Kodjoe to be on such an action packed series? "It's absolutely ridiculous and my head explodes every time I think about it," he said. "It's an absolute dream for an actor. Yesterday, I was shooting a scene in a strip club speaking three different languages and the next thing you know [I'm] fighting two agents."

Undercovers debuts on Wednesday, September 22nd, on NBC

Undercovers' Goal? Not to be Alias - TV Preview at IGN
I think it's great that they're trying to do it different than Alias. I love Alias, but we don't want a reboot or something.
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