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Old 08-03-2010, 05:33 AM
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Yeah, I don't even want to hear from Sookie about Bill feeding on her. She can yell at him about sleeping with Lorena or not helping Tara- although after her melodramatic declarations to him and brushing it off when Tara said it, it's already going to lose some of its luster- but her dumb ass is the one who not only got in the back with him despite being warned not to, but she cut her own arm to feed a starving vampire. Hell, if you had a HUMAN dying of thirst and took away water from them after only a couple sips, they're liable to kill you trying to get the rest. This was a VAMPIRE. What happened in the back of that van is ALL on Sookie being an idiot. I don't blame Tara at all for kicking him out, but Sookie herself can keep her mouth shut. I don't even think Jason's that stupid, lol.
What do you know of my heart, priestess?
What do you know of my sister?
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