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Old 07-27-2010, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Red Bess Rackham (View Post)
[COLOR="DarkRed"]TFTNT Cindy!! I am even more flattered that you named a SECOND thread after me.

Cindy, sorry to hear about your husband!! But I'm glad to hear he's doing better.
Thanks Red! He's def feeling better... not 100% though. I think he's going to go to work tomorrow. It was super scary but I stayed calm but it had me all sorts of spun up and nervous! Finally starting to come down a bit.

Oh I *love* thinking up things like that. I go through phases where I come up with and am intrigued by obscure and/or random pairings, and I love trying to think of ways to create a pairing between two fandoms believably. I only wish more people would do it, and do it really well, so I could read some instead of going through the effort of trying to write it.
It's a very cool concept.
Did you watch House at all? There's a Cameron (from House)/George O'Malley video out there on YT somewhere... I'll have to see if I can find it.... I thought that was such an interesting idea and I had never thought of it before... putting those two together.

Oh golly Marie, I have a separate list for G/I vids I someday want to make. And yes, there absolutely will be some Ross/Rachel and CS happening someday too.
for Red making G/I vids someday!

Thanks so much Cindy, and everyone else, for the wonderful comments. I'm so glad you liked.
Much deserved. Oh- and I still intend on a final comment... got a bit side-tracked this w/e w/ the whole nasty bee-stuff and being all sorts of spun up, but once my synapses slow down on the nervous-energy fire, perhaps then I'll be able to organize my thoughts better!

They're too good to let go.
Yes! They are!

@Ausiello: Meh. To me, there are so many critics and columnists out there, just because he's a popular one, doesn't mean he's that great or truthful or whatevs. He is kind of a tool, but I just take whatever he says with a grain of salt. Most of it is just his opinion, just as any other article-writer, I think.
ITA. And I just take what he says with a grain of salt too (well I used to when I used to read what he says) but I do no some fans who take his spoiler and what he says very seriously

Could what he wrote actually been damaging to TR and/or Katie? Sure. But it's not like he was the only one out there who was bashing them or their characters or their romance, or whatever, right? Collectively, all the writers and responses to those writers is what's damaging. One blog with a hundred readers won't sway a network or a writer to change the direction of their show, I really don't think. It's if there's maybe forty blogs with a few thousand readers put together and the majority of them are against it, then they'll rethink it.
Oh, ITA 100% that he's not the only one out there that was bashing them or their characters or their romance. He just irks me to no end. And the cover stories/his chance to capitalize on it all... ick. I guess I could go into all the reasons why he irks me but, like I said b/f, I really don't think he's worth the time & energy to do so

That being said, I tend to think Shonda changes her mind too easily with whichever way the winds of fandom blow.
If that isn't ever the absolute truth!

You do Nic , and I appluad you for that.
Yes, it really is a good thing. There are other situations/instances in life when I'm good at that too... but the shipper stuff/fav character stuff isn't one of them

I suck at doing that. I'm more like... fixated on my ship and usually can't fathom why someone can't agree with me. In most cases, that is. I'm better with seeing other people's sides in pretty well anything else, except when it comes to picking ships and fav characters.
I'm exactly the same way about it... I think!

Got to go... interrupted
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