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Old 07-25-2010, 09:44 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jul 2010
Posts: 195
Originally Posted by ennaxor (View Post)
And it makes me happy that the audience "awwed" over Leonard at the panel! I feel like the poor guy doesn't get a lot of love from the online fandom sometimes, so it's definitely nice to hear that there are still tons of people who are.
Yes. This comment is so true. I was on the lj community "oh no they didn't" a few days ago and nearly every single comment in this one particular TBBT post was something very negative towards Leonard. It made me sadden since he's my favorite character and I felt like I was in the minority liking him.

The fact that the Comic-Con audience awwed made me feel a lot better liking Leonard.
It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live. -Dumbledore

House|Wilson Leonard|Penny Sheldon|Leonard
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