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Old 07-18-2010, 03:13 PM
Elite Fan

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Good answers

She's too focused on how good things were between them and she didn't see the problems coming. And now she can't forget about them and think of the future.
Absolutely! So very true here She was caught by surprise and has not been able to understand why. Definitely living in the past.

I think Alicia is yearning for a life with as little complications as possible. Thoughts?
ITA! She even tells Will "I do not want everywhere I go to be a mess" She does not like it.

Glass half-full or half-empty? Half full.
She's an undefeatable optimist.
Yes and no. I am still thinking about this. She has been more apathetic recently as if she cannot trust anyone or like things do not seem to surprise her anymore. (remember when Will asked her if she was ok about seeing the body, and she was very nonchalant about it) So I see where you are coming from but I think she has lost a lot of her optimism. So yes she did tend to see things half full but I think this is changing.

Very cool idea thanks for sharing Carla!
"This isn't about women or the 50s. This is about me"

"I want a happy life. And I want to control my own fate."
--- Alicia Florrick
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