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Old 07-13-2010, 06:47 PM
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They might mention it on The Hills one, I'd assume. There's rumors of Stephanie joining the cast, so I'd imagine they'd address that. The City isn't going anywhere, from what I understand, so were in for another season. Personally, I found The City to be more enjoyable ever since they ditched Jay, old-Erin, and the others... and made it a Devil-Wears-Prada with Olivia vs. Erin, and made Whit/Roxy friends/roomies.

The finale was awful! It's a shame that Whitney has to burn bridges with Kelly. I totally understood why she was mad. I love how she told Whitney that playing the guilt card wastes time. Man, that is just ice cold. Roxy just randomly meeting her and telling her about what direction she's going to take, it didn't feel like a finale. If this show is (ALSO) somewhat scripted, they dropped the ball on this one. I did like seeing resolution where Olivia is now the face of and we got to see Erin's quintessential stink-face when Olivia dressed her. Btw, I kinda love Seth now! Anyways, this finale was BO-RING and just, felt like time was dragging before the After Show. A shame.
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Last edited by smoothaise; 07-13-2010 at 08:24 PM
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