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Old 07-08-2010, 06:59 PM
Melissa Ann
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But that was not always part of the story. Vampires being killed by sunlight started with the 1922 German silent film Nosferatu. Dracula in the novel could walk around in sunlight with no harm coming to him. Various modern fictions other than Moonlight have allowed vampires to walk around in sunlight, such as Being Human and Kindred The Embraced. Not to mention Twilight.
I agree. But my point is it's one of the most well known ways a vampire can die.

A lot of modern fiction do allow differences in that aspect, like Blade as well.

I honestly have not heard of "Being Human" or "Kindred the Embraced". Are they novels or movies?

To expand this topic:

Another aspect to vampirism that has been making it's way into the mainstream is that not all vampires are human blood drinkers, and a common term for those who only drink animal blood (Twilight) are vegetarians.

I've also seen those, like in Moonlight, where they pay a guy to get blood from hospitals and such.

Third comment to expand topic:

Again, I go to Twilight for this, because I don't recall many others who have done this, but their vampires don't require fangs, as their venom stuns their victim.

It was actually sort of refreshing to see how evolved the idea of a vampire has come.
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