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Old 06-17-2010, 03:27 PM
Master Fan

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Live In Love (Vanessa♥Zachary) #869 ~ because she stays at his house even when he's not there

First off, I would just like to say that I AM NOT VERY GOOD WITH SPACING lmao so I'm very sorry if all this looks super bulky to you..

mmkay so I’m not really good with words…
As you can see, the OP is just full of art and pictures and blurbs from people I do not personally know. But because you guys have been soooo awesome, I’ll try to pull out a few words from my brain to this page.

Mel – OMG you are just amaaaazing. Thanks for helping out big time. And for being so OC about everything lool. I love you for that <3

Kitkat – we’re in this together babe lmao. Thanks for helping me find stuff for the OP and for doing it with me. You’re too awesome =]

Angel – once again, THE moral support. You know I love you and your encouraging words right? =]

Kate – thank you for writing a masterpiece for us. I would’ve asked you to write my Thank Yous lmao but you guys deserve a piece of my brain for everything you’ve done. So thank you! =]

Arlene – what, you think your name won’t be included? Lmfaoo. Thanks for always “beta-ing” my work, even on short notice lool. You’re very very cool =]

Nikka & Marilyn – Thank you for our amazing icons! They’re gorgeous! I love them all. You guys own <3

Molly and Kristen – Yes, you guys deserve to be here too. Thank you for helping me with the pictures and anis and everything!

EVERYONE / FF GIRLS – thank you from the bottom of my ecstatic heart <3 love you!! =]

you guys deserve a power hug

&& thank you gina&greg and starla&david for giving us Zac and Vanessa <3

always & forever

Kristen // icon

Last edited by Fearlessღ; 06-18-2010 at 09:55 PM
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