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Old 06-10-2010, 09:58 PM
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The Schemers [Declan ♥ Holly J.] #8 || Because Clare can be with Declan in her fanfics but HJ gets the real thing!

The 8th Holly J. Sinclair & Declan Coyne Thread

D: I couldn't wait.
H: For what?
D: To spend every possible moment with you.
01. MTG11687
02. JustMe2000
03. LidelKewte
04. Nekoshoujo
05. bickering love
06. gizzie_fan
07. vivalalove
08. Evil Poptart
09. forgivenotforget
10. starryxnight
11. ashleymarie
12. FlightlessBird_630
13. Mix N Love
14. ShineSoBright23
15. AllForBeLieving
16. RickyandChucklover1
17. Brittany28
18. jpbscasvwxrj
19. scsdegrassifan
20. thecheeriogleek
21. blue sky blues
22. iWasNeverHere
23. QTPie41184
24. mint chip
25. TruLove
26. NateBlairlover
27. mandicandi
28. crashparcypemmafan4life
29. scribbled papers.
30. lavidalavida
31. regiusachan
32. ish78
33. semmacrannyspaigeparcyfan
Their moments

001. b/c Landon & Charlotte have great chemistry... and they're pretty.
002. b/c he couldn't resist flirting with her, even amidst an accident.
003. b/c "You tryin' to get my number? That's pretty sneaky."
004. b/c "He was so cool about the car."
005. b/c she likes him "maybe a little".
006. b/c she wants to go on a double-date with him.
007. b/c she's the girl of his dreams.
008. b/c he finds her compelling.
009. b/c she's Declan's Sinder3lla.
010. b/c he's hasn't stopped thinking of HER!
011. b/c "Now that's a girl worth fighting for."
012. b/c he pulled some strings for her.
013. b/c he doesn't want to date a Honda.
014. b/c "She's amazing."
015. b/c we're pro "niche marketing".
016. b/c she's "the right girl". The "someone" for him.
017. b/c silent treatment has never been cuter!
018. b/c they're the prefect match!
019. b/c he poured his heart out to her.
020. b/c "You have to trust me Holly J. I don't normally try this hard and I am terrified right now."
021. b/c she's not like the usual girls he dates, she's special!
022. b/c the way they look at each other says it all!
023. b/c he gave up backstage passes to spend time with her.
024. b/c "I couldn't wait." "For what?" "To spend every possible moment with you."
025. b/c he gets only the best for his lady!
026. b/c they had a good first date.
027. b/c they're spontaneous.
028. b/c they're official (and in love. It only took a week!)
029. b/c she trust him now and it's definitely worth it!
030. b/c he's proud of his presidenta!
031. b/c they're a "thang" and it's a huge deal!
032. b/c he can't wait 'til lunch for their important meeting!
033. b/c he brings unpredictable romance into her structured world.
034. b/c "This is us, high school gossip doesn't matter."
035. b/c impromptu fashion show! Ridiculous? No, can you say ADORABLE!?
036. b/c his phone wallpaper is of the two of them.
037. b/c he's her consolation prize.
038. b/c no one could keep them apart!
039. b/c they made it work.
040. b/c she makes him nervous.
041. b/c "we have everything going for us. we talk, we laugh..." "we make each other hot."
042. b/c they're the modern Romeo & Juliet.
043. b/c they like each other.
044. b/c Mrs. Coyne thinks she's the best girl in the school.
045. b/c "We're doing this!"
046. b/c they match each other perfectly.
047. b/c they make the perfect team, they get what the want.
048. b/c they know each other's coffee needs.
049. b/c they are Degrassi's Hottest Couple!
050. b/c "all eyes turned to Power Couple Holly J. and Declan."
051. b/c they can't keep their hands off each other!
052. b/c 'I love you'
053. b/c he kissed her forehead
054. b/c he made sure she was coming with him to New York
055. b/c he gave her his Grandma's bracelet
056. b/c their kisses are epic
057. b/c his mom is finally coming round to their relationship
058. b/c she was worried when he was running late for the play.
059. b/c with just glances, it's obvious that they're crazy about each other.
060. b/c he keeps her company at The Dot
061. b/c he didn't pressure her to have sex.
062. b/c they're the only couple on Degrassi who had sex responsibly and are still together.
063. b/c they're going to New York for a Summer of Love.
064. b/c he knew her password.
065. b/c he looked devastated when he found out he was moving.
066. b/c they support each other's interests.
067. b/c even Fiona knows 'he loves you'

Of the moment...

Last edited by MTG11687; 06-15-2010 at 10:43 AM
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