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Old 06-09-2010, 09:00 PM
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Our favs;

My favorite Effy moment in a Freffy scene has to be...Freddie, you came! That was the first time to me we saw Effy really reach out to someone. She spotted Freddie inside the party and then followed him outside. It was like she was waiting for him all night. Even though she had spent most of the day with everyone else the person she looked forward to seeing was Freddie. She said so much in that scene and yet so little. It was all in her face. Then when she told him her parents were divorcing that showed just how much she cared Freddie. She opened up to him in her own little way and was hurt when he didn't respond like she wanted. Effy wanted Freddie to be there but she didn't know how to express herself. We saw a different side to Effy...she was no longer fit and mysterious.

I always liked the idea of Freddie and Effy together but the moment I became the militant shipper that I am was after seeing the scene outside Pandora’s party in episode 4. It was one of the first times Effy showed any real emotion, and it
broke my heart.

I liked also how it was she who initiated contact with Freddie - out of the blue surprising him. It just "feels" very Effy and I can never understand why people suggest that she's being OOC or different when she's with him

I love how Freddie and Effy are the more subdued, subtle couple on Skins. A lot of the other couples are more in your face about why they have a connection and feel the way that they do. With Effy and Freddie they just immediately get each other from the get go and they can see that there's something there that neither can ignore for long. The moment in the shed scene where Effy says "seems like a good place to hide" and they share that look said it all to me. They just understand each other in a way that no one else does or ever will.

They're both perfect in their imperfections and flawed in all the best ways. They love each other so much and express that in different ways - it makes their story so complicated, yet so beautiful. They just belong together.

They have found in each other what some people spend their whole lives searching for; a soul mate. Their love is beautiful, pure, unconditional. Freffy belong together, without question.

What I like the most about Freffy is how they have this gravitational pull towards each other. It's so great to see their characters develop through their feelings of either trying to fight it or giving in. Freddie stood up for himself finally, and we got to see a whole new side of Effy.

The chemistry between them is unreal; the stroke of a hand or a longing glance is just mesmerizing, so intense. Effy is scared of the fact that she needs someone, to love her and look after her but Freddie knows that he can be that someone and ultimately, she knows. Freddie and Effy complete each other. Freddie is the only one that Effy allows herself to feel something for, because he is the one.

I adore the idea that no matter what, it always comes down to Freddie loving Effy and Effy loving Freddie. "They are in the very wrath of love, and they will go together; clubs cannot part them." William Shakespeare

Despite what people will tell you, Freddie and Effy have fun together. This scene is Effy's series 1 episode condensed into 2 minutes, only this time she's with someone that she truly cares about. It's great to see both Freddie and Effy so happy.

Despite all the drama and all this crap they've been through there's some kind of innocent sweetness to them. Their love story is so touching, so pure and so well written, you can't help but fall in love with them.

The scene where Freddie bathes Effy. That was one of the most beautiful Freffy moments. Not many words were said. He literally took care of her when she wasn't able to do it herself. Not many people would do that. To me that shows real love. He was so gentle and sweet with her. It was such an intimate moment and Effy trusted Freddie completely. The way she looked at him it was like she couldn't believe he was doing all of this for her.

Gosh, this is hard. This boy is so beautiful. If I had to choose, it'd probably be the scene in Effy's kitchen in 4.07. I know that's kind of a weird scene to choose, but my love for Freddie was probably at it's highest point then. He's been through so much for her, for them and he sounded so confused and hurt and then when she told him to stop kissing her and he put his hand over his mouth like he was embarrassed or hurt that he did something she didn't want him to do? GUH.

Before 4x07 i would have said the lake scene but after watching Effy's episode i'd say the moment in the stonem kitchen when Freddie says: "You're making me mad now. And that's exactly what love's supposed to do." You can hear his pain in his voice! It's heartbreaking.

My favorite moment would have to be the "I love you I love you I love you" chorus she said to herself at the end of her episode in series 4. Effy being in love is such a huge and powerful thing on Skins. She went from not speaking and not letting anyone in to falling completely in love with Freddie. To see her holding onto that so tightly even when everything else around her is falling apart was amazing to see. In that moment you can truly see how much Freddie means to her.

I think it has to be their final scene. Effy has this desperate need to tell Freddie she didn't mean a word of what she previously told him & she keeps telling him I Love You until she fell asleep.

I was cheering Freddie on as he went in to the water. I’ll remember that as one of the most romantic moments I’ve ever seen.
-Phoenix Flame

It was so epic and different than any show or couple I had scene and EF immediate caught my attention. After that I found out all of EF's story and how beautiful it was and I was completely hooked after that. They've become one of my OTP's. Such a beautifully tragic couple.

I guess after the first kiss. I was hooked from the very beginning but after that kiss they got into my heart & never left.

I started shipping FE during the Summer of 2009 when the season had already ended. I had never heard of Skins. I stumbled across an FE vid on YT and decided to watch. From then on I just kept on watching more. Then I watched the lake scene and that pushed me to watch all of season 3. I just had to watch this couple...I knew they were something special from one YT video.

Definitely the moment in the meadow scene when Effy finally opens up telling Freddie that she had known from the very start that he's the closest she will ever be to being close. The way that whole scene was filmed and Kaya's acting were just beyond amazing. Eventually we got to find out why it was so difficult for her to accept that she fell in love with Freddie. "Here, your hole that fits mine"- simply beautiful

When he fought of her demons in the meadows, to me Freddie was the most beautiful boy in the world at that moment. Loving, sweet, generous, unafraid to appear foolish. His detractors say that he's a fool for love. This is one instance where I completely agree with them. For all his skater boy appearances, Freddie is a romantic at heart. Fighting the demons, embarrassing himself, making himself crazy for her - that's just the icing on a sequence of events which started with him bathing her, bringing her out of the house and hiring a rickshaw for fresh air. Freddie treats Effy like a princess so much so he even got her a carriage.

My favorite Freddie moment is from the Meadows scene. When Effy is talking about the hole in her heart and he tries to tell her that he has the same hole in his that only she can fill and when he fights her demons off. You can just see how much he truly loves Effy. He's willing to scream and swear at no one or random tourists depending on who you ask just to make her smile even if its only for a few seconds.

the quotes;

the actors;

Luke Pasqualino and Kaya Scodelario do a fantastic job portraying our angsty ship on television, so it's good to know that they are also great friends in real life. Frequently seen goofing around in behind the scenes clips and interviews, Kaya and Luke bring chemistry to their characters' relationship. Follow them o twitter and soon you'll realize what we've known all along: The world needs more Kake.

Kake tweets;

novel quotes;
I wanted to puke. Throw up all over them. I wanted my dad, my mum. Freddie.

It didn't really matter to me, though. Like I said, I've had it with meaningful ****. I loved a girl. She ****ed off and left me. I'm not falling into that trap again. I still checked my phone every hour, though.

"It wasn't my ****ing fault, you silly twat. She was a psycho."
Freddie turned round and shoved Cook back. "No, she was a normal human being driven to unnatural acts by your extreme ****ing *****." He pushed him to emphasise the latter two words. "You're a menace to society." He paused. "You're never going to have her, you know. She's never going to choose you."
-Freddie & Cook

Oh God and Freddie. I hadn't let myself think about him, and now he didn't want me either. I caught my breath in panic.

I hadn't told Cook about the message I'd sent Effy. Telling her not to come back. I regretted doing it the moment I'd ****ing sent it. The thought of not seeing her again was just...****. I'd miss her.

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previous threads;

our soundtrack;

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top 5 kisses;

what do you love
about f r e d d i e & e f f y
When you watch a TV show, there is always a couple that you become suddenly drawn to. For me, Freffy are that couple. It’s hard to put into words why they are destined to be together, why they are two lost souls without each other, why they are two pieces of a jigsaw that just fit perfectly. They are utterly epic. The chemistry between them is unreal; the stroke of a hand or a longing glance is just mesmerising, so intense. Effy is scared of the fact that she needs someone, to love her and look after her but Freddie knows that he can be that someone and ultimately, she knows. Freddie and Effy complete each other. Freddie is the only one that Effy allows herself to feel something for, because he is the one. He has fallen for her and he needs her to be brave enough to catch him. They have the ability to make each other and break each other because their connection and love for one another is so strong. They have found in each other what some people spend their whole lives searching for; a soul mate. Their love is beautiful, pure, unconditional. Freffy belong together, without question.

Their never ending love & how they show it. It was love at the first sight because these two damaged souls recognized each other among the crowd. She fought against it but eventually she gave up & let Freddie in. Freddie showed his love in actions while Effy used words & speeches.

Everything. But mostly it's because I've always thought love was about your actions not what you say. FE have shown from the beginning with their actions how much they love each other. They had a connection from the first moment they saw each other. No matter who they were with they wanted to be with each other. They both changed individually because of their relationship...I was able to see different sides to them. They went through so much to be together. They were tragically beautiful and one of the most unforgettable couples I've ever seen on television.

Freddie and Effy: two people, two complicated souls, two hearts. FE makes me feel something without saying a word, and when they look at each other it seems like they are in a bubble isolated from the world, from everyone and everything. I can see in their eyes that what they feel about each other is passionate, intense and scary, because love scares people. But when it's so true like FE's love, you have to let it inside and live it.

What do I love most about FE? That’s a hard one, So I suppose I’ll just have to answer that What I love most about Freddie and Effy is Freddie and Effy themselves. They just fit. They’re obviously so in love with each other that sometimes it drives them mad. And Like Freddie said That’s what Love’s supposed to do.
-Phoenix Flame

future titles;
She loves the Sponge, not the Monster!
We do believe in Freffy! WE DO! WE DO!
Eat my Kake you dirty dirty Freffy!
Did someone mention Freddie's new Episode? You mean Sex-pisode!
With the Skins cast aboard the F/E train, we're in very elevated company! Choo! Choo!
Vindicated! I am right, I swear I'm right, swear I knew it all along!
Sweatpants, hair tied chillin with no make up on, that's when you the prettiest I hope that you don't take it wrong
I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart.
They wants this ForEver theirs, ever theirs, ever theirs
You're never going to have her, you know. She's never going to choose you.
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream....swoooonn..
B/C It's not just Disney. Even Greyson Chance goes Gaga for Freffy!!
Handholding while sleeping. Freddie holds Effy's. This is what love is.
In which Freffy are awesome. Oh wait, that's always.

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