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Old 06-05-2010, 07:10 PM
Elite Fan

Joined: Feb 2001
Posts: 40,686
If anybody wants to help, here are our currently pending questions:

Originally Posted by scm88 (View Post)
hey guys I got recommended to post a question in here that I posted on another part of the forum.

I know Im only new to the forum but I need some help. Every morning I get a coffee from work and the bar staff write on the lid a clue to a movie and I have to guess what the movie is eg yesterday I had written on the lid 'boogying with dogs' and the movie was dancing with wolves.

Todays clue is 'birds are stoned' and I am completely stumped here. I work fly in fly out at a mine site so birds could be referring to a plane or flying but I still have no idea!! any help would be very much appreciated as I dont want to admit that I am stumped

So far someone has suggested ' to kill a mocking bird' but the girl who gave me the riddle is on break so I have to wait until she gets back but just want to see if there are any more suggestions

Originally Posted by SpyMovieFan (View Post)
I'm looking for a 1960s spy movie where a retired secret agent does an assignment and his payment is a Bugatti Royale car.
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