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Old 06-04-2010, 04:08 AM
Hero of Time
Fan Forum Star

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Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 131,467

"He has that cocktail of dangerous and charming.
He has a leading man's good looks, and heroic qualities as an actor."
~ Carlton Cuse

"The playfulness fused with the attention to the task;
the will to be flighty, but to be in command of the flight
and totally responsible for the people flying behind you--
well, that's all in the business of being a man.
That's Matthew Fox down to a tee."

|| The Man;;

Matthew Fox.
Born: Abington, PA. July 14,1966.
Native: Wyoming. Husband. Father.
Columbia Grad. Family Man. Friend.
Country Boy. Actor. Sports Fan.
Photographer. Music Fan. Pilot.
Reader. Studies Chess. Follows Boxing.
Car Enthusiast. Artist. Man's Man.

"I'm kind of a t-shirt and jeans guy. I like stuff to be sort of worn
and used and comfortable. I keep clothes that I like for a very long
time, and I wear them way past the point they are supposed to be worn."

"I have a hard time enjoying something unless I'm good at it."

|| The Hobbies;;

"I don't go anywhere without my iPod.
The first thing I do every morning is
put on my music."

The National. Interpol. Radiohead.
Sigur Rós. Green Day. Band of Horses.
TV on the Radio. Bloc Party. The Postal Service.
Modest Mouse. I Am Kloot. The Arcade Fire.

"I had two brothers. When we were kids and
got into fights my dad always had a pair of
boxing gloves that he would give us.
He'd say: ' Go for it. If you're going to
throw punches at each other anyway,
then you may as well put these things on!'."

"I really am fascinated just by chess boards,
chess pieces and how they move on a board.
I go through phases in my life where I get all-consumed with
the game and study books and play a lot."

"I've always been fascinated by flight.
As a kid I could sit and watch hawks
fly for a long time and sort of transport
myself into watching them and the sense of
the freedom that they must experience."

"I played football for a huge portion of my life,
all the way through college actually...
I’m a huge sports nut and I’m a big fan of the NFL."

“I’ve been a car nut for as long as I can remember.
One of the first things I wanted to be as a boy was a race-car driver."

"I treasure my cameras.
Taking pictures breaks me out of my work."

"To see him go from walking through the rehearsal to turning
on his character when it was time to shoot the scene was absolutely magical.
He is a brilliant actor!" ~ April Parker-Jones, actress

"He has the potential to be a leading man, but I think
he's interested in those quirky transformative roles.
Three, four years from now I can see him getting a
Supporting Actor nomination. He wants acting to be
hard, to be torture. He does not want
to ski the bunny slope."~ Damon Lindelof, creator of Lost

|| The Actor;;

"The way I choose things is always sort of a nebulous sort of vague process
and ultimately just comes down to sort of the sense inside yourself
that it’s really important for you to do this part and be a part of this project."

"When you’re doing a purely fictional story and you’re inventing a character
in a story just in your imagination, you want to make something beautiful.
You always set out to do that. But when you’re doing that in conjunction
with it being based on a true story and you’re playing a man that you’ve
become great friends with – I feel, you know, all I really care about
is that Red feels like I’ve done him right, you know? That was a huge part
of what drove me everyday."

Character: Red Dawson
Release: December 22, 2006
Synopsis: We Are Marshall tells an inspiring true story set in
Huntington, West Virginia, a small town steeped in the rich tradition
of college football...As those left behind struggled to cope with the
devastating loss of their loved ones, the grieving families found hope
and strength in the leadership of Jack Lengyel, a young coach who was
determined to rebuild Marshall's football program and in the process
helped to heal a community.

"It's amazing how many people walk around in this world
thinking their way is the right way and the only way.
That's pretty dangerous and pretty unforgivable."

Character: Kent Taylor
Release: February 22, 2008
Synopsis: Thomas Barnes and Kent Taylor are two Secret Service agents
assigned to protect President Ashton at a landmark summit on the global war
on terror. When President Ashton is shot moments after his arrival in Spain,
chaos ensues and disparate lives collide.

"There are very few times in life when you’re part of
a project that is endeavoring to do something that’s
never been done before, and this was
one of those times.”

Character: Racer X
Release: May 9, 2008
Synopsis: The only way for Speed Racer to save the family business
and beat Royalton at his own game will be to win the very same race
that claimed his brother's life so many years ago. In order to accomplish
that formidable feat, however, Speed Racer will not only have to rely on his family
and the aid of his longtime girlfriend, Trixie (Christina Ricci),
but form a tenuous alliance with his longtime rival --
the mysterious Racer X (Matthew Fox) -- as well.
~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

Character: Billy Smoke
Release: Pre-Production
Synopsis: The story centers on an elite hit-man who is nearly killed during a botched job.
He realizes that his only way to find redemption is to rid the world of all assassins.

-The Hollywood Reporter

"He’s quieter but he has this very subtle, intelligent, sort of
sexy underlying sense of humor that I really like. He’s
very smart and he’s ridiculously talented and I really love
working with him because his character is always fighting for
his people. So whenever I’ve done scenes with him and he’s got
up in my face, it just makes for really, really fun, intense scenes.
He brings a lot of intensity to a scene which I love – it really
gives me something to play with. I adore working with Matt
and he’s so handsome you know...I just…ugh… he’s dreamy…."
~ Rebecca Mader, Charlotte

I really enjoyed Matthew Fox's work a lot last season.
He gave some truly great performances. I think he, in particular,
had a really great season. ~ Henry Ian Cusick, Desmond

I'm really good at not losing concentration and cracking up
when I'm working. But Foxy and I are still at risk of losing it every time
we have to make eye contact. ~ Jorge Garcia, Hurley

"People have flaws, and heroism comes from rising above those flaws."

|| Pic of the Moment;;

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