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Old 05-26-2010, 08:23 AM
Fan Forum Star

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Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 117,298
Dr. Ray Barnett: I don't like courtrooms, I don't like prisons and I don't like men named Hank who make me their bitch!
Conni: What was that about?
Neela Rasgotra: That's a naked patient. Let's step this way.
Dr. Ray Barnett: Hmm. Some days better than others.
Sam Taggart: Come on, you're taller and sexier, and you already got the girl.
Dr. Ray Barnett: Where is she?
Morris: Right there!
Luka Kovac: Try not to hit Morris with any desk tools.
Sam : You know what, I don't care. It's fine, Luka
Dr Ray Barnett: Rule number 1, feed the nurses.
Lydia: We all know that, but everyone else's busy.
Dr. Doug Ross: Did you ever see 'Cuckoo's Nest'?
Haleh: Yeah, someone stole it.
Mark Greene: You're kidding.
Elizabeth Corday: Oh, shut up!
Ray: So who do you think would win in a fight, Clemente or Kovac?
Neela: I'm not sure my opinion matters.
Dr. Susan Lewis: Good.
Neela: Try to contain your enthusiasm
Dr. Susan Lewis: You're kidding, right?
Neela: Don't I know it.
Dr. Susan Lewis: Your grandma would be so proud.
Carter: Okay, party's over; you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!
Elizabeth Corday: So, how's it going down here?
Doug: One step ahead of the Reaper.
Elizabeth Corday: Hmm. I see.
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