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Old 05-20-2005, 03:36 PM
Elite Fan

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Originally Posted by ~*Seth's_Secret_Sister*~
Can I have a go? What do I do? LOL

Yep... if you participate in this thread you are indeed eligible to be chosen. I've already chosen Tina, but keep on coming back and answering questions and you never know when you'll get your chance!

Astra: Was there a dog in it?
In that TV show? Nope... It was called 'Bordertown' and there was a US Marshal and a Canadian Mountie...

I got one - why did you pick that avatar, Astra?

Well... the main reason is because I was tired of the little bitty one I had (from back before FF increased the size allowed)... But I've always liked astronomy and space science etc etc, and that also relates to my screenname choice, which means 'star' so I thought 'heh... why not'.... And I'm still snagging cute avs/icons for whenever I decide to change... Why? Does it suck?

Last edited by Astra; 05-20-2005 at 03:42 PM
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