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Old 05-17-2005, 09:27 AM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Oct 2000
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Hmmm if Grissom goes the show is pretty much over I would think. Sure most of the other characters are good in their roles but I don't think any of them have the presence to pull off being the lead the way he does.

On another note: I am so happy Greg is getting more screen time. He and Nick are my two favorites so Greg getting more time and Nick not dying Thursday is fantastic.

Someone on the other thread mentioned something about how Nick was sort of like the bastard stepchild and was never really treated like a part of the family the way Catherine. Sara and Warwick were. I thought that was a very interesting point but I have to admit I missed completely the lack of relationship. I had always thought Nick and Grissom got along well. To me it seems Greg is the one getting shafted. Especially since everyone-not just Grissom-makes fun of him or rolls their eyes when he talks etc.

Well I am really looking forward to Thursday night. It can't come fast enough. And not just because the day after is Friday
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