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Old 04-21-2010, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by auntbee (View Post)
I just watched this episode again and I'm confused about something. In last week's episode, Jabbar told Milo that he was 5 1/2 (and Milo replied that he was 5 3/4). Two questions: How could Jabbar have a birthday just a short time later if he was only halfway there and how could he be 5 again?
Ah the mystery which is TV timelines!

Good spotting that auntbee, maybe Jabbar is not as bright as we think, or he just got it wrong, or the writers didn't think someone would notice and from the posts here you seem to be the first to bring it up.

Last edited by lancer1993; 04-21-2010 at 08:54 PM
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