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Old 04-21-2010, 12:08 PM
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Aaaaaw! How awesome was Lauren in this episode? Very awesome… that just isn’t enough, she was beyond awesome. Seriously.

I felt so sorry for Sarah… “Why does she hate me, Mom?” Aw man
She sounded so broken and desperate, and the way Camille comforted her… best! I really think Sarah needed to hear that she isn’t a complete failure. How Camille wiped Sarah’s tears away. Such a great moment.

I’m also so proud of Amber. Well, she said she sent Damien away, but not because of her mom… suuure. I believe it was a mix of both her mom’s and her inner voice of reason. Maybe the latter told her not to wear weird yellow smudgy make-up anymore Oh, and Amber’s glasses. Rofl.

Crosby and Jasmine… I can imagine them as a couple, actually. I’ll keep an eye on that one ETA: After seeing the promo.. lol

Zeek… woot for Camille telling him that she was really hurt back then. But boo for him not telling of their financial problems. Though I didn’t quite get why, but I’ll rewatch and catch it then for sure.

Sydney being gifted. Interesting. Although I didn’t really believe she is diagnosed with Asperger’s, too, that would be a little ridiculous, imo.

Max and his parents were so adorable in the end. Loved it.

Parenthood FTW! Bring on next Tuesday!
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Last edited by Copop; 04-21-2010 at 12:13 PM
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