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Old 04-18-2010, 08:05 PM
serendipity or fate
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Originally Posted by Shu (View Post)

Brucas, can I ask why you like to target me? I mean really?????????

As for DS, I believe they can fly.............................why should I be hated on for having faith!

every mega super couple has their moment in darkness this is ours, but WE SHALL OVERCOME.

eta: don't worry chels you'll flip back the force is too strong to resist.
The biggest overhaul Josh could ever do to them couldn't make me ship a couple who's parents are married, who share a blood sibling and who fight constantly. Not only that, but what I remember from them is this: All Dan did was constantly belittle and judge Serena while she acted like a doormat - too afraid to "let him down" and stand up for herself. Sorry to disappoint.
And then there’s that one friend who you hope, s o m e d a y becomes something more
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