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Old 04-17-2010, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by andre silva (View Post)
Im really desapointed about the 100 episode.

This is what supposed to be "substancial" and "a big step of the mythology"?

Cause what really happened?

Well somethings changed:

- Dean being a idiot to everyone espeacelly Bobby

- Sam being the old Sam

- Zach being killed by a pathethic way!!!! What the hell happened to the " only an angel can kill another angel" ?
I hate Zach and I love he is gone but the circunstances and how he died?

- Adam. So why he is back?
To fill a space? To have more conversations in the couch and have something to fill the episode I hope he is gone and in noway is going to be Michael ( crossing fingers!!)

- Dean/Sam relationship restored? BORING!

The only good thing was Castiel who I enjoyed to watch every minute!!

The rest? Mehhhhhh!!!!!
Actually alot changed.. One of their main villains got killed, Adam came back, and Castiel sacrificed himself. And for the first time in a long time there was progress. I actually feel like Sam and Dean actually might come up with a plan other than be hit with another curve ball again and again.

I didn't think Dean acted like an idiot. I was actually more upset with him last week. I was not happy at all with his comment to Bobby, but Dean was angry at the world and thats something I'm not gonna blame him for. I can't blame him for having those feelings about Sam, but I'm thrilled Sam was able to get Dean to think otherwise.

I agree! Sam was being old!Sam! I loved it!!!

I kinda agree about the Zach death... but I love that scene and Dean's speech to him SFM that I'm not gonna complain. After everything Zachariah did to Dean, its more fit that Dean kills him anyways.

I am not thrilled by the Adam return... but I do like his character. Just as long as he does not show up too often. He may have the Winchester name, but its gonna take more than that for me to love him. But I don't think his appearance was wasted... not at all.

...We are just gonna have to agree to disagree on the Brother being restored thing. IMO that is what the show is about... if the episode did not focus episode mainly on their relationship than I would think they were missing the point. But thankfully the writer's proved why I have faith in them.

I agree.. Cas was awesome!!!

"And when it was clear, they'd park her in the middle of nowhere, sit on the hood, and watch the stars... for hours... without saying a word."

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