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Old 05-13-2005, 10:48 AM
Master Fan

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Joined: Feb 2005
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you know amongst all of this and for the longest time, i really havent heard a crash fan that gave me a solid reason why they love craig and ashley together? i really havent. they cant say the whole "they understand each other" crap because they have proven time and time again that they DONT understand each other, everyone episode about them dating they were either arguing, one was blowing up at the other, or just flat out breaking up. They cant use the whole "music" idea because other than the fact that music does not equate foundation, the reason can be defeated because look at degrassi, ALL of the grade 11's are musically inclined. I feel like crash fans havent given me or anyone a solid reason why they like crash other than 'they're the next joey & caitlin' or 'the writers are giving them the meant to be vibe'. its like they feel that they are obligated to like crash because the writers are making crash "meant to be" as opposed to actually believing that the two are compatible.
"And love's a raven when it flies... meet me on the other side...I'll see you on the other side"

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