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Old 04-09-2010, 06:17 PM
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Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 95
Originally Posted by YAMI1024 (View Post)

She has like the best view ever.

wooh! i kinda gotta fan myself. XD

How do you all feel about the timing of their 'relationship,' as in the progression of their 'romance?' (eugh weird word for them, ibelieve)

For example, some people put them together earlier in fics, or later.

Was there any scene or part that you kinda didn't like so much, or one that you wish they showed/elaborated on?

Are there things that you'd LIKE to see?
(lol, well, I'm sure we'd lovve to see more make-out seshs, etc.) but scenarios, etc?

gosh, I feel like a dork. jusst love to ask q's. haha
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