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Old 04-03-2010, 12:25 PM
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So as I loved "Peter" so muchI was checking out people reactions. I saw someone commenting on the CGI age transformations on John Nobel and Blair Brown saying that "Nina Sharp" looked like "Molly Dodd", Brown's character from the sitcom/drama The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd. When Fringe started my parents remembered watching and liking Molly Dodd so I finally got around for searching clips on youtube. WOW Very a head of its time.

So back to the episode- it was good to see again. I am taking this to mean that she lied about her arm having cancer. Cancer is easier to explain than what happened there. Also how attached to Peter was she early on? I am totally intrigued. I've like the few Peter/Nina scenes we've had thus far, and what ever this is adds to them.

Also I am intrigued to figure out what her involvement with the founding of Massive Dynamic is as she was already working for Bell twenty five years earlier and Bell and Walter were together but no longer lab partners.
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