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Old 04-01-2010, 07:00 AM
destroyer of worlds
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K'Pattz {R♥K} #370: B/c April showers bring more fooling around for our couple!

T w o individuals. One t r u e pairing.
---> Meet the C o u p l e :

Meet the F a n s: <---


245.~Endless Summer~
248.Mooney <3

PM here to be added.
"Without you how did I get through?
All of my days, without you?"
---> The F a c t s:


21. Because "What about the boyfriend?" "Pffft. What about the boyfriend?"
22. Because he's her funny man.
23. Because they make each other laugh.
24. Because Kristen always looks more comfortable when he is around.
25. Because Rob was so excited about the kiss, he fell of the bed.
26. Because Vancouver is for lovers and Italy is for freaking soulmates.
27. Because even in a room full of people, they only have eyes for each other.
28. Because their words can lie, but their eyes don't.
29. Because they are two pieces that make the perfect picture.
30. Because UST much?
31. Because they are the Best Kiss of the Year.
32. Because they got a hotel room together.
"Be my best friend and more, I'll love you forever.
Up in the clouds together, so happy I could die."
---> The P r o o f:

- When You Love Someone
- Last Day on Earth
- I'm Falling Hard Over You
- You and Me
- M m m m, More
- Chasing Cars
- Life Imitating Art
- The Vanity Fair Photoshoot
- Beautiful Disaster
- Eights Proofs Robsten is Real
- Some Things are Meant to Be
- Sex on Fire
- Broken Strings
- She's My Lady
- Lovers in Japan
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
You'll be my queen
I'll be your king
And I'll be your lover too.

"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew."
-William Shakespeare

And I can't believe, that I'm y o u r man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I c a n.
Whatever comes our way, we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.


soljae ♥
Sarah | tumblr | little splashes of colour + credit
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