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Old 03-21-2010, 06:23 PM
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Let me tell you right away that A)I have very little patience for freakouts and B) I have very little patience for freakouts

That said.. I'm pretty sure I posted either in here or in the NS thread that I expected them to say I love you way before what people predicted because that would've been A)way too cheesy and B)way too contrived. I hate cheesy. SO for me the fact that Nate got genuinely pissed and said bad things is awesome. Because it makes the couple more real. And I don't find it rushed in the SLIGHTEST that they said I love you.

I find it the perfect way to set up what will go on for the rest of the season. Why the heck are people complaining this is rushed? It's beyond me. People make up scenarios in their heads and then blame the writers if things don't go the way they IMAGINED. This is the right way to handle it IMO. They've known each other all their lives, Nate has ALREADY told Serena that he loves her, and he's been in love with her forever. Her finally realising she has someone she can rely on by her side and saying I love you is neither rushed nor by any stretch of imagination wrong. It is LIFE. It makes them real.

And now that I've spoken my peace, I can go back to lust over Michael Vartan, and watch where the reeeeal TV hotness was invented, on Alias.
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