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Old 08-08-2003, 04:11 PM
Obsessed Fan

Joined: Feb 2000
Posts: 5,510
They were just biased in the O.J. case. There's never been a muder case with more evidence, his blood was everywhere at the muder scene and there were no other suspects and there was motive. I don't see how any reasonable person could find him not quilty.
Because the prosecution screwed up their case. That's how. As for bias, it could easily be said that whites were biased as well, since it was two whites who were murdered.

Clark and Darden were so married to that timeline that it screwed themselves. That was a bloody crime. Extremely bloody. Yet, in the white bronco, there were no smears of blood found on the vehicle. In OJ's house with WHITE carpet, there were no smears of blood all over. In his bathroom, they couldn't find traces of blood in the shower where the prosecution said he removed the blood. And don't get me started on the police ineptness. In their rush to MAKE their case, they ruined it.

In the end, it was Barry Sheck's (sp?) that made the case beyond a reasonable doubt. He concentrated solely on the physical evidence, and the gross inconsistencies the prosecution had put forward.

Basically, I always thought he was responsible. I thought he hired somebody to do it, and watched while it happened.

Regardless, I'm a black female, and I don't think Kobe's innocent, so that particular race poll doesn't apply to me.

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