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Old 03-17-2010, 12:01 PM
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Dixon apologizing to Teddy was so ridiculous, Dixon should be the one punching him in the stomach. Remember when Navid accepted the invitation to Teddy's yacht party and Dixon said something like "why'd you do that aren't we supposed to hate him" and Navid replied with something like "he's a slimeball but I need to keep my enemies close"? Cause I don't think Dixon remembers that. Him wanting to be BFFs with Teddy is cuckoo bananas.

Also, did anyone think it was extremely rude of Teddy's sister to come up to Silver and say what she said? She had met Dixon before and Teddy must have told her that Dixon used to date Silver. Then she comes up to who she thought was Teddy's friend and his girlfriend and says that crap and then on top of that she says bye to Dixon. That was such a classless move.
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