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Old 03-15-2010, 08:56 PM
kiss the wind
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Joined: Oct 2008
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Top 5 Favorite ships? I'm presuming this is for Grey's. Mark/Callie, Meredith/Derek, Alex/Izzie, Mark/Addison, Alex/Callie.
Favorite color? Purple.
Favorite Grey's girl? Callie.
Favorite Grey's boy? Alex.
Favorite number? 4.
Favorite game? Clue.
Favorite food? Italian.
Favorite fatty food? Ice cream.
Favorite season and why? I don't know if you meant GA season or like, year season. So I'll do year season because I answer the other later. Fave season is Summer: no school, swimming, hanging with friends.
What were you in high school? Floater. Kind of just spent time with my friends, but we didn't really fit a "type."
Do you have a birthmark? Yeah, by my left shoulder blade.
Did you ever travel? Greece, London, and Kusadasi (in Turkey).
What's your favorite book? To Kill a Mockingbird and the Harry Potter books.
What's the last movie you saw? Alice in Wonderland.
Favorite Billy Joel Song? I don't really have one? I don't really listen to Billy Joel, honestly.
How many pillows do u sleep with? Six (two regular, two show, one long, one tiny).
Are you the type of person to make the first move? Not really.
Do you believe third date is the sex date? That's a bit complicated to answer, seeing as how I haven't really been on any dates. But probably more like the.. tenth date.
Fav GA season/episode? Why? Season: Probably three. Just because of the character development and stuff. Episode: Hmm. Losing My Religion off the top of my head is one of them. And Six Days, Part 2.
Worst GA couple/character ever? Couple: George/Izzie. Character: Teddy.
Where is one place you would love to travel? Besides going back to London, I'd love to go to Ireland.
Favorite name for a boy/girl? Caden/Isabella.
Favorite birthstone? Amethyst.
mama bear, papa bear, panda bear, and bowie (bear)

amelia | icon: mel
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