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Old 03-14-2010, 08:09 PM
Joined: Jun 2007
Posts: 91,766

C: Alright. Alright. If all you want's a stud service, you get on back to West Dallas
and you stay there the rest of your life. You're worth more than that. A lot more than that.
You know it and that's why you come along with me. You could find a lover boy on every damn corner in town.
It don't make a damn to them whether you're waitin' on tables or pickin' cotton, but it does make a damn to me.
B: Why?
C: Why? What's you mean, "Why?" Because you're different, that's why. You know, you're like me.
You want different things. You got somethin' better than bein' a waitress.
You and me travelin' together, we could cut a path clean across this state and Kansas and Missouri
and Oklahoma and everybody'd know about it. You listen to me, Miss Bonnie Parker. You listen to me.
B: You're good!
C: I ain't good. I'm the best!
B: And modest!

The thing you need to know is,
it's all about sex.

"There's got to me to life than that, am I right?"
"Like what?"
"F * c k i n g."

* * *

The Holy Church of CE;

"I'm ready, just tell me when!
Give me a sign!

"Thank Y O U, Man!"
this are our t w i s t e d words;
"How did I fall in love with Cook and Effy? It's simple, really. From the first moment they saw each other,
from the first moment they touched each other, from the first moment they kissed each other...I could feel it.
They shared something that no one else shared in that very first episode of Season 3 -- SEX. Hot, wild, crazy, and passionate sex.
Like a fairytale as soon as he saw her, he just knew that he loved her...body. Similarily, throughout the episode, she continued to give him nods
of approval and looks that signified just how much she cared for his...c**k. From that moment on, I knew that I wanted to
someday have a **** buddy relationship, just as special as this one. Day and night all I thought about was sex and how I could ever
live up to the standard that the Cook and Effy relationship had set. With every episode, I could see just how much they loved each other['s sex].
I could see it in the way Cook ran away with Effy, just so they could have new sexual experiences of the road-trip variety.
I could see it in the way that Cook carried Effy and laughed with her, just so they could find a new spot for sex as fast as possible.
I could see it in the way that Cook cried and was so upset when Effy chose Freddie, just because he had really been looking forward
to getting laid that night (he had bought special handcuffs that night, just for her).
I could just feel their relationship [in my pants] and that's how I fell in love with them.

Then, I saw the light. Their relationship wasn't just about sex, like everyone (including me) had thought.
Before I hadn't read between the lines and so I couldn't see their relationship for what it really was. But with the help of some fellow Cook/Effy shippers
and with the use of the Cook/Effy 12-Step "How to Become Pure" Bible, I was able to be Saved. Their relationship wasn't just about sex...
it was about PURITY. Cook and Effy's relationship showed me that sex is so meaningless and that, only through abstinence and purity, can I truly be at peace.
This whole time I took their actions at face-value and couldn't see that Cook and Effy were really angels in disguise --
undercover saints masquerading as sinners. So from that moment on, I became a new person."
autumn reverie

"I remember the very first time I saw them on my screen, I just knew it was true love and desire,
watching then grow together has been one of the most wanderfull love stories ever told on TV...
and the way they got over the bad times, like when Addisson came and... OH SHI- wrong show"

autumn reverie

"I just love how their relationship is based purely on sex and nothing else,
the way they're always thinking of sex when they're together is so amazing to see.
Everytime I watch them NOT caring about each other, and NOT being there when they need help, and NOT being cute or romantic or happy
and just being a sex drived couple reassures my faith in love~"

"I love Cook/Effy cause they are only about Sex. It makes them more fun to ship.
Heck what other reason is there to ship a couple?

Jaime Bee

"Wow. What is there to say about dear James and dear Elizabeth? It's true love. Pfft, yeah. True love for doing it in the cupboard, more like.
Not to mention the nurses office. AND in front of an audience. And also most probably-definitely-in-the-toilets-of-the-club-they-got-thrown-out-from.
Don't EVEN get me started on those despicable antics that must have taken place in that stolen car. And what is, 'it', you may ask?
Purifying the world, of course! Most certainly NOT with their bodies, heavens no. Through the 'unspoilt',
virginal powers of Lord Cooksus and Lady Elizabeth, making sure all the poor people never go hungry, giving them plenty of
EFFINGCOOKIES <3 to eat. Darksiders, Sponge-Busters, Sluggers and the like are coming from EVERYWHERE, and are not sensitive to the extreme hotness
and epic. But really. There's no need for world domination, when you ARE the world."

"ALWAYS. Is there a better word to describe Cook & Effy? No. They are always sexing it up. They are always being pure. Trufax.
But in all seriousness, these two little whippersnappers have nothing in common. They have nothing to them really. Just blue eyes, and it’s all about
those eyes. When one person with blue eyes looks at another person with blue eyes, WHOA BIG EXPLOSION!!! At least that’s what my mother told me.
Then she handed me some condoms and told me to be safe. These are two things I live by. Blue Eyes & Condoms. And that’s what Cook & Effy stand for.
I could go on and on about other things like feelings, std’s, blood types, the influence of drugs & alcohol on libido, politics, literature, fanfiction…. but why?

IT’S B L U E E Y E S & C O N D O M S. It’s always going to be blue eyes and condoms. It’s ALWAYS blue eyes and condoms. It’s tattooed on my ass after all =)"

I was always ~lost and insecure~ when it came to matters of the heart, but then Cook and Effy found me lying on the floor. Seeing their tainted and juvenile ways gave me the strength to seek help for my own. After signing myself into CEhab, I finally got my life together. It was there that I learned this important lesson…Nymphomaniacs deserve love too. You can have sex with someone as soon as you meet them. You can get down and dirty on a desk, on the floor, on the trash bags by a club, in a rave, in a car, even up against a closet wall…And you can still remain aspure as the day you popped out of your momma. Now I know you are thinking how is that possible? Well I say…I say how dare you question me, wipe that expression off your face now or Cooksus will smite you untill kingdom come. Anyway…it was because of Cook and Effy that I finally stopped hating myself and began to believe in LOVE again. May you all find the Cook to your Effy. A man whose face you can eat ketchup off of, a man who will carry you after insane bouts of trash bag alley sex, a man who can polish off an entire cake himself, a man who will commit treason against a school locker for you, a man who you can flash at a slumber party, a man who you can run away with after you almost killed someone with a rock, and most importantly…a man who can pump your puzzzy and never stop.
And remember kids…if he doesn’t buy you a ****ing gateau – he’s not courting you right. CEBJ forever.

The first time I saw Effy, I knew she needed help. Like her, I am severely clinically depressed and I could recognize her cry for help as soon as she stepped out of that car and into Cook's life. Her laughs and smiles didn't fool me. I laugh and have fun and feel happy all the time. That doesn't mean I'm not depressed though. In fact, I've never even seen a doctor to know that I am clinically depressed. It's just something people that don't know me, tell me. Watching Effy was like watching my own life. I felt her pain as she smoked that spliff, blew it into Cook's mouth, and attatched her lips to his face. I cried with her as she was rammed through the closet door by Cook's thoughtless man thrusts. The reason I love Cook and Effy so much is because I love the fact that Effy can feel a false sense of happiness around him. I know it's not real (those smiles and laughs are just ways to numb her pain), but in that small moment I feel.. Alive. Sometimes, I pretend to be Effy. I dress up in ****ty clothes and make lists and give them to random people that I sleep with later. One time I hit my friend on the head with a rock then went on a roadtrip with my boyfriend. It was good. In conclusion, Cook and Effy are the truest form of love I've ever experienced.

on videotape

The Non-Judging Breakfast Cookie
Starring: Cook!Chuck, Cook!Nate, Effy Stonem
& honorary CE shipper Blair Waldorf

Effy: i killed someone ...almost.
* dun. dun. dun. *
Cook: ~i'm james cook~
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