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Old 03-13-2010, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by angel_wings05 (View Post)
Haha aww yay we'll thats good! I know a lot of people who were a fan of NB in the books so I totally understand. I need to read the books sometime! No Nate ship really has been treated right on the show. I think maybe the writers r still trying to find there footing with him or at least thats how it seems with how they never care enough to fully develop a real relationship for Nate. NV were a couple but they never gave them a real storyline or anything like what CB or RL have had on the show..Its like they didnt care enough to show us or fully develop them, they just used them (like they often use Nate) as a plot device. Its really annoying. People who've never seen GG wonder why Nate gets so much hate? I say watch S2 cause I was thinking about this the other day and realized the writers managed to crush FOUR diff Nate ships or fanbases during the course of that season..At the beginning with all the promotion NSers we're excited for NS and then it turned out to be nothing. (IMO they should have done NS at that point, it made more sense then lol.) Then NV got together and he broke up with her, then NJ had their little thing and he chose V (I still hate how this day how V skated for the letter dealio while Jenny lost a lot for the whole dress prank. Oh well Jenny got awesome character development out of it while Nate's character further regressed haha.) And then they did NB even though they were clearly planning on going with CB..And hinted at NV at the end of the season. It was like they truly crapped on all of Nate's ships and yeah, it was just terrible.

And I know right?! WORD on the Clois stuff. I dont get it..They're just so contrived and propped and they dont have one lick of chemistry..Ick I just cant stand them. Its like they ruined my precious amazing Chlark bond for THAT?! what the frack!? Oh well, she can have fun being his second choice since we all know Lana is his first one lol!
you're so right, they really did crap on all the Nate pairings and didn't give a single one of them a real chance. It really does seem like they're still trying to find their footing with him. I think it's because the original plan was always NB and a triangle with S but then CB got so popular and they didn't know what to do with Nate and because of that they've basically stomped on every Nate pairing.

Ugh again you're so right about Clois! No chemistry, rushed, what's so great about them?? And did they really ruin the Chlark bond? I liked their friendship. Word on Lois being second choice! The moment Lana came back Clark forgot all about the fact that he was about to kiss Lois And before season 8 he would have chosen Chloe over Lois too, so Lois is like 3rd choice

and you hate Spinelli/Maxie I love that we hate all the same couples
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