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Old 03-12-2010, 12:05 PM
destroyer of worlds
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Originally Posted by Burning Up A Sun (View Post)
Wow... that was rude of that person. I hate when things I don't want to know aren't behind a cut.

As Nika said it hasn't been on that full time. It stopped in the 80's and then had a movie in the 90's and came back in 2005. But yeah I knew a bit about it before I started and I'm kind of happy about that. I hope that when you do start watching it you'll enjoy it.

Yes! When she came back I wanted them to get back together. I liked Elizabeth but it was Susan and Mark. I mean come on! I knew they weren't going to happen but still. Oh and when Carter was reading his letter to the ER and the Elizabeth's letter about him dying. And she's like "What, what is it?"

Well I was young when I watched the episodes with Lucy in them but I didn't ship them. I just thought they were cute together. Those episodes kill me though. I still can't believe that happened and then Lucy recovering a bit only to die very soon after. And Carter's whole issue with drugs.

I know. No Rory would rather be with Logan. But that's for another thread. I loved RJ though... and I love the scenes we had... especially leading up to them getting together.
Yeah me too. You would think something huge like that would definitely be behind a cut but noooo.

I'm sure I will, thanks. Hoping to get the S1 DVD soon so yay.

Awwww. I haven't watched the eps where Mark is dying yet. I know the actor playing him wanted out of the show but I hate that his character had to be killed off. And yeah, the Carter/Lucy thing was shocking. It was a pretty good cliffhanger because probably no one expected that to happen but it was sad to see her go like that. And Carter was really messed up after that, poor guy.

RJ were definitely well written so it was a shame that it never amounted to anything more. Jess was the one who challenged her most, and she grew up a lot in the process.

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