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Old 03-05-2010, 07:56 PM
Part-Time Fan
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Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 350
Originally Posted by kaleidocat (View Post)
Now that you mention it, I remember them being called that in the midwest! But out here in Seattle they are Samoas. I guess that's what they are on the east coast too. Very strange! most recent interaction with our BFF Stefan Brogren:

@stefanbrogren Darkest moment: Kevin Smith's 1st appearance. Then everyone became celebrities. Honorable mention: Degrassi Goes Hollywood.

@kaleidocat You're cruel.

@stefanbrogren For fun I googled Degrassi jump the shark. I got Paradise City: Degrassi Goes Hollywood (review) I'm still a fan of the show. But get it together.
I saw that! I dont think he was even kidding! which leads me to think: these people HAVE to know there are serious problems with the quality of this show. They can't be that stupid. Listening to the Kevin Smith DVD, you can tell at least some of the writers just don't care about inconsistencies. I'm really interested in what happened to this show after season 5, behind the scenes. I'm just wondering how many people working on this show are embarrassed by it.
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