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Old 04-29-2005, 10:25 AM
Master Fan

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Here is one of my profiles

Taken by: Impressions
Name: Samantha *Sam* Bryant
Age: 16
How they feel: She doesn't know what to except and that makes her feel even more uneasy.
Personality: Samantha's personality depends on the situation and who she is with. Most of the time she is very mellow and soft-spoken. She is the girl that is nice to everyone no matter how they treat her. You could say she feels the need to please everyone else except herself. Though she hates to admit it, she does care what other people think and say about her. When it comes to school, she is very focused and knows what she wants to accomplish. Many of her peers really dislike going to school but she has always somewhat enjoyed it. Sam likes it when she is praised for her work and what she does. It makes her feel better about herself. Though it may be hard for some to believe she is insecure, but then again what girl isn't in one way or another? Sam is the type that likes to have everything planned out. Ironic really, she definitely didn't plan on becoming pregnant.
History: For as long as Sam can remember it has always been her mom and her against the world. Her mom was someone that she trusted with everything. Her father left her mother before Sam was born, she never knew him. It was when Sam started high school that her relationship with her mother kind of dwindled. She wasn't able to tell her mother what she used to. It was difficult for Sam as well as her mother. As a result, her mother got more controlling of Sam because she never knew what Sam was doing. This just brought an even further rift between them. Growing up Sam always knew where she was headed in life. Her career would go before family. College was something that was always in the cards. She never planned to have a boyfriend. She actually had told herself that while she was in high school, she wouldn't date. Then Kyle came along and changed everything. He was like someone that you read about in fairytales. She found comfort when she was with him. Something she hasn't felt for some time. When she found out she was pregnant she couldn't believe it. It wasn't apart of her plans. She was going to go to college...have a career, before she started a family. Even so, she decided she would keep it and raise the baby with Kyle. But, the more time progresses she continues to think about the consequences of her decision and questioning when she should change them before it is too late.
Relationships: tba
Played by: Eileen Boylan
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.
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